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Презентация на тему: Rob Gonsalves

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Презентация на тему: Rob Gonsalves

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№ слайда 1 Rob Gonsalves Made by Olesya Samoylenko
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Rob Gonsalves Made by Olesya Samoylenko

№ слайда 2 Rob Gonsalves is a Canadian painter of magic realism with a unique perspective a
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Rob Gonsalves is a Canadian painter of magic realism with a unique perspective and style. He produces original works, limited edition prints and illustrations for his own books. Rob Gonsalves is a Canadian painter of magic realism with a unique perspective and style. He produces original works, limited edition prints and illustrations for his own books.

№ слайда 3 During his childhood, Gonsalves developed an interest in drawing from imaginatio
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During his childhood, Gonsalves developed an interest in drawing from imagination using various media. By the age of twelve, his awareness of architecture grew as he learned perspective techniques and he began to create his first paintings and renderings of imagined buildings. During his childhood, Gonsalves developed an interest in drawing from imagination using various media. By the age of twelve, his awareness of architecture grew as he learned perspective techniques and he began to create his first paintings and renderings of imagined buildings.

№ слайда 4 After an introduction to artists Dalí and Tanguy, Gonsalves began his first surr
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After an introduction to artists Dalí and Tanguy, Gonsalves began his first surrealist paintings. The "Magic Realism" approach of Magritte along with the precise perspective illusions of Escher came to be influences in his future work. After an introduction to artists Dalí and Tanguy, Gonsalves began his first surrealist paintings. The "Magic Realism" approach of Magritte along with the precise perspective illusions of Escher came to be influences in his future work.

№ слайда 5 In his post college years, Gonsalves worked full-time as an architect, also pain
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In his post college years, Gonsalves worked full-time as an architect, also painting trompe-l'œil murals and theater sets. After an enthusiastic response in 1990 at the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, Gonsalves devoted himself to painting full-time. In his post college years, Gonsalves worked full-time as an architect, also painting trompe-l'œil murals and theater sets. After an enthusiastic response in 1990 at the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, Gonsalves devoted himself to painting full-time.

№ слайда 6 Although Gonsalves' work is often categorized as surrealistic, it differs becaus
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Although Gonsalves' work is often categorized as surrealistic, it differs because the images are deliberately planned and result from conscious thought. Ideas are largely generated by the external world and involve recognizable human activities, using carefully planned illusionist devices. Although Gonsalves' work is often categorized as surrealistic, it differs because the images are deliberately planned and result from conscious thought. Ideas are largely generated by the external world and involve recognizable human activities, using carefully planned illusionist devices.

№ слайда 7 Gonsalves injects a sense of magic into realistic scenes. As a result, the term
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Gonsalves injects a sense of magic into realistic scenes. As a result, the term "Magic Realism" describes his work accurately. His work is an attempt to represent human beings' desire to believe the impossible, to be open to possibility. Gonsalves injects a sense of magic into realistic scenes. As a result, the term "Magic Realism" describes his work accurately. His work is an attempt to represent human beings' desire to believe the impossible, to be open to possibility.

№ слайда 8 Numerous individuals around the world, including a United States Senator, as wel
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Numerous individuals around the world, including a United States Senator, as well as corporations and embassies collect Gonsalves' original work and limited edition prints. Numerous individuals around the world, including a United States Senator, as well as corporations and embassies collect Gonsalves' original work and limited edition prints.

№ слайда 9 In June 2003, Simon & Schuster introduced North America and Canada to "
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In June 2003, Simon & Schuster introduced North America and Canada to "Imagine a Night", Gonsalves' first hardcover book featuring sixteen paintings. Due to the success of "Imagine a Night", Simon & Schuster released a second book “Imagine A Day” in 2004 for which he won the 2005 Governor General's Award in the Children's Literature - Illustration category. His book "Imagine a Place" was released in 2008. In June 2003, Simon & Schuster introduced North America and Canada to "Imagine a Night", Gonsalves' first hardcover book featuring sixteen paintings. Due to the success of "Imagine a Night", Simon & Schuster released a second book “Imagine A Day” in 2004 for which he won the 2005 Governor General's Award in the Children's Literature - Illustration category. His book "Imagine a Place" was released in 2008.

№ слайда 10 Gonsalves now has 70 paintings and is working on more. He spends a notable amoun
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Gonsalves now has 70 paintings and is working on more. He spends a notable amount of time planning each piece in order to make the transitions flawless and usually finishes about four paintings each year. Gonsalves now has 70 paintings and is working on more. He spends a notable amount of time planning each piece in order to make the transitions flawless and usually finishes about four paintings each year.

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№ слайда 62 Thank you for attention!
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Thank you for attention!

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