QUIZ: ST.PAUL’S CATHEDRAL Подготовлено учителем английского языка Соболевой Алевтиной Владимировной. МОУ «Гимназия №4», г.о. Электросталь, Московская область. 2011 год
What is the English for: кафедральный собор религиозная вера месса купол могила надпись неф поперечный неф место хора алтарь склеп часовня надгробие внутренняя галерея похороны
1. 1. Choose the best answer:
II. Make true sentences. The church built in 604 had to be rebuilt in the 14th century The construction of the present cathedral began Christopher Wren was invited to design the cathedral Although the church was completed in the 18th century
1. Their state funeral took place in the cathedral: 1. Their state funeral took place in the cathedral: Wellington Lincoln Churchill Nelson 2. These are galleries above the cathedral: Golden gallery Stone gallery War gallery Whispering gallery 3. Christopher Wren was ….. Professor of Mathematics, an astronomer an architect the president of the Royal Academy
IV. Complete the sentences: St. Paul’s Cathedral is one of…… There has been a cathedral on this site for…… ……..was built in 604 but ………in 1136. The building was reconstructed in….and became the largest church in….. In …….of 1666 St. Paul’s Cathedral was…. Wren began to ….. St. Paul in 1675 and …… it only in 1710. In the Whispering Gallery you can clearly hear the words that….. St. Paul’s Cathedral is a place for many………Every year a special service is held…….
Literature and internet resources. Васильев М.В. Достопримечательности Лондона. – 2-ое изд. –М.: Айрис-пресс, 2008. -64 с. Васильев М.В. Достопримечательности Великобритании. – 2-ое изд. –М.: Айрис-пресс, 2008. -112 с. Синельникова М.В. Это Лондон. География. История. Культура. Достопримечательности: Книга для чтения на английском языке с вопросами ,заданиями и диалогами. – Спб.: КОРОНА принт,2010. -352с., ил. www.stpauls.co.uk www. wikipedia.org
Источники www.stpauls.co.uk http://www.stpauls.co.uk/Cathedral-History http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Paul%27s_Cathedral