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Презентация на тему: Keep fit and healthy

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Презентация на тему: Keep fit and healthy

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№ слайда 1 Theme«Keep fit and healthy» Выполнила: учитель английского языка II квалификацио
Описание слайда:

Theme«Keep fit and healthy» Выполнила: учитель английского языка II квалификационной категории, школа № 66 Хуснутдинова Г.Н.

№ слайда 2 Данная учебно – методическая разработка по теме «Здоровый образ жизни школьников
Описание слайда:

Данная учебно – методическая разработка по теме «Здоровый образ жизни школьников» предназначена для изучения английского языка в 6 классе по УМК «Английский язык нового тысячелетия» под редакцией Н.Н. Деревянко, С.В. Жаворонкова и соавторы.- Обнинск: Титул, 2010.

№ слайда 3 Unit 8 «Keep fit and healthy». Раздел 8 «Здоровый образ жизни».III четверть.
Описание слайда:

Unit 8 «Keep fit and healthy». Раздел 8 «Здоровый образ жизни».III четверть.

№ слайда 4 Listen and repeat these words 1. a sore throat 2. a cold3. a headache4. stomacha
Описание слайда:

Listen and repeat these words 1. a sore throat 2. a cold3. a headache4. stomachache 5.a backache6. an earache7. a toothache

№ слайда 5 a sore throat
Описание слайда:

a sore throat

№ слайда 6 a cold
Описание слайда:

a cold

№ слайда 7 a headache
Описание слайда:

a headache

№ слайда 8 stomachache
Описание слайда:


№ слайда 9 a backache
Описание слайда:

a backache

№ слайда 10 an earache
Описание слайда:

an earache

№ слайда 11 a toothache
Описание слайда:

a toothache

№ слайда 12 Match the pictures and the words1. a sore throat 2. a cold3. a headache4. stomac
Описание слайда:

Match the pictures and the words1. a sore throat 2. a cold3. a headache4. stomachache 5.a backache6. an earache7. a toothache

№ слайда 13 Listen and answer: What’ s the matter with Mike, Jane,Max?
Описание слайда:

Listen and answer: What’ s the matter with Mike, Jane,Max?

№ слайда 14 Listen and repeateat-ate-eatenbreak-broke-brokencatch-caught-caughthurt-hurt-hur
Описание слайда:

Listen and repeateat-ate-eatenbreak-broke-brokencatch-caught-caughthurt-hurt-hurtcut-cut-cut

№ слайда 15 Look and find the 3rd form verb eat-atebreak-brokecatch-caughthurt-hurtcut-cutbr
Описание слайда:

Look and find the 3rd form verb eat-atebreak-brokecatch-caughthurt-hurtcut-cutbrokeneatencutcaughthurt

№ слайда 16 Present Perfect TenseExample: Mike (hurt) his leg.-Mike has hurt his leg. 1. Jan
Описание слайда:

Present Perfect TenseExample: Mike (hurt) his leg.-Mike has hurt his leg. 1. Jane … a lot of sweets. (eat) 2. Max … a cold. (catch) 3. Henry … his arm. (break) 4. Mary … her hand. (cut) 5. John … his finger. (hurt)

№ слайда 17 Present Perfect TenseExample: Mike (hurt) his leg.-Mike has hurt his leg. 1. Jan
Описание слайда:

Present Perfect TenseExample: Mike (hurt) his leg.-Mike has hurt his leg. 1. Jane has eaten a lot of sweets. 2. Max has caught a cold. 3. Henry has broken his arm. 4. Mary has cut her hand. 5. John has hurt his finger.

№ слайда 18 HEALTH
Описание слайда:


№ слайда 19 BAD HABITS
Описание слайда:


№ слайда 20 Which is your favorite food?
Описание слайда:

Which is your favorite food?

№ слайда 21 Write the words on list in two columns.Food: apples, cabbage, cake, carrots, che
Описание слайда:

Write the words on list in two columns.Food: apples, cabbage, cake, carrots, cheese, chocolate, cola, crisps, eggs, hamburgers, hot dog, fish, nuts, pizza, popcorn, salad, sweets, yogurt. A. healthy food: B. unhealthy food:

№ слайда 22 Food A. healthy food:applescabbagecarrotscheeseeggsfishnutssaladyogurtB. unhealt
Описание слайда:

Food A. healthy food:applescabbagecarrotscheeseeggsfishnutssaladyogurtB. unhealthy food:cakechocolatecrispscolahamburgershot dogpizzapopcornsweets

№ слайда 23 How to Keep Fit Take a lot of exercise. Physical activity is good for all of us
Описание слайда:

How to Keep Fit Take a lot of exercise. Physical activity is good for all of us at any age.Begin your day with morning exercises. They give you enough energy for the day.Be sporty. Join a sports club or go to the gym and work out.Take enough sleep. Most people need eight hours of sleep to feel well.Leave some time for relaxing after a hard working day.Spend some time out of doors every day. Fresh air does us a lot of good.Limit the time you spend in front of your television or computer to an hour — an hour and a half.Keep to a healthy balanced diet. Don't over eat.Don't eat junk food. Some kinds of food are harmful.Don't smoke or drink alcohol. Never use drugs.

№ слайда 24 Solve these riddles about vitamins:-When you are ill, you usually drink tea with
Описание слайда:

Solve these riddles about vitamins:-When you are ill, you usually drink tea with lemon and it helps you to get much better.-I’m vitamin in a carrot, in butter and other products.-And my place is in rye-bread. It’s very useful food.

№ слайда 25 Match 1. Здоровье дороже богатства.2. Обжорство убивает быстрее, чем меч.3. Голо
Описание слайда:

Match 1. Здоровье дороже богатства.2. Обжорство убивает быстрее, чем меч.3. Голод - лучшая приправа.4. Болезнь легче предупредить, чем лечить. A. Hunger is the best sauce.B. Health is better than wealth.C. Gluttory kills more than the sword.D. Prevention is better than cure.

№ слайда 26 I wish you to keep fit and healthy! Thank you for attention.
Описание слайда:

I wish you to keep fit and healthy! Thank you for attention.

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