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Презентация на тему: The healthy way of life

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Презентация на тему: The healthy way of life

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№ слайда 1 Presentation on the theme: The healthy way of life Made by:Seglyanik DianaPupil
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Presentation on the theme: The healthy way of life Made by:Seglyanik DianaPupil of the 11 formSchool 80

№ слайда 2 Plan 1. What does mean “Health”?2. Daily routine of pupils.3. Bad habits.4. Spor
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Plan 1. What does mean “Health”?2. Daily routine of pupils.3. Bad habits.4. Sports.5. Healthy food.6. Unhealthy food.7. Crossword.8. Tests.9. References.

№ слайда 3 Health is defined as absence of disease and this working definition is accepted
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Health is defined as absence of disease and this working definition is accepted by most citizens and even doctors, whose task is to repair human biological machine when it breaks down.

№ слайда 4 Do sport or regular physical exercises Eat healthy food Personal CareSleep enoug
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Do sport or regular physical exercises Eat healthy food Personal CareSleep enoughDon’t work on a computer and don’t watch TV too longLive with pleasure! Enjoy your healthy way of life!Be close to nature, walking in the airAvoid stresses, drugs, drinking and smokingImportant reasons of healthy life

№ слайда 5 Daily routine of pupils
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Daily routine of pupils

№ слайда 6 Bad habits Everyone wants to have good health, a beautiful body, but not everyon
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Bad habits Everyone wants to have good health, a beautiful body, but not everyone can do it. There is a very important factor that can interfere in this task – these are bad habits. The main bad habits of people are drinking, smoking and drug addiction. In the presence of any of these habits one can say that a person is not an ideal health. A common habit is alcohol. Alcohol will destroy the human body, disrupt his mental activities, physical and emotional state, will lead to rapid aging of the organism. Another problem of the society - smoking. But unlike alcohol, smoking causes major damage to the physical activity of man. Smoking contributes to the deterioration of stamina, breathlessness, weakness. In a smoker frequent problems with hair, teeth and skin. All this passion can end the terrible cancer. Smoking and healthy lifestyles simply incompatible.The most difficult problem of society is drug abuse. The person with addiction to drugs, have just flawed either physically or mentally. Drugs for a very short period of time can change a person beyond recognition for the worse. Most freaky life ends in death.The cause of the bad habits lie in many causes. Today is an open propaganda of unhealthy lifestyles. Smoking, drinking beer and using drugs are now fashionable and honorable, but very few people aware of the dangers that will emerge after some time. Once people understand this, then do something too late, because to abandon these habits are extremely difficult. You should give yourself a word that is appropriate only when a healthy lifestyle, and nothing should interfere with it. Just so you can keep yourself in good condition both physically and mentally.

№ слайда 7 Sports and Exercises.       Sports develop force, endurance, accuracy, and dexte
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Sports and Exercises.       Sports develop force, endurance, accuracy, and dexterity. It also prevents organisms from various diseases. Physical culture accustoms the man to discipline. It brings up such qualities as will power, boldness, resoluteness, and valiance of the bourses. Listed below are some exercise that contribute to a healthier way of life: -Yogi                    - basketball -gymnastics           - baseball -walking        - rugby -running               - hockey -skiing                   - R. skating -ice skating        - weightlifting -swimming            -wrestling - tennis                  - aerobic -soccer        - football In conclusion, all kinds of sports can be useful and healthy for your body regardless of the sport you choose. The important thing is to exercise regularly.

№ слайда 8 Sports. Exercises.
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Sports. Exercises.

№ слайда 9
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№ слайда 10 Unhealthy food Staying away from unhealthy foods is a must if you want to have b
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Unhealthy food Staying away from unhealthy foods is a must if you want to have better health.When you fill your stomach with unhealthy foods and junky foods, it deprives your body of the essential nutrients it needs for health and strength.Here is a list of some foods that aren’t good fuel for your body. Try to avoid these unhealthy foods whenever you can.Canned Soup Commercially Baked Goods, Breakfast Cereals, Donuts, Fatty FoodsIce Cream and Frozen DessertsPotato chips, French Fries and other Fried Foods/SnacksSausages, Hot Dogs, Cured Meats, Luncheon MeatsSoda Pop and other Artificial Beverages.

№ слайда 11 ARE YOU GOING TO LIVE TO 100? 1) How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?a) Ev
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ARE YOU GOING TO LIVE TO 100? 1) How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?a) Every day; b) Never; c) Two or three times a week. 2) How many do you eat in a day? a) Ice-cream b) Extra salt on your foodc) Fizzy drinksa) More than two; b) One or two; c) None. 3) When you have a problem, do you a) forget about it?b) talk to a parent, a teacher or a friend about it?c) wait, and then talk to a friend later? 4) Do you play a sport or go to a dance classa) once a week or more? b) two or three times a month? c) Once a month? 5) When you have free time, do youa) watch TV? b) go to the swimming-pool with friends? c) take serious exercises? 6) Do you live?a) in the town? b) in the country? 7) Do you sleepa) more than eight hours a night? b) less than eight hours a night? 8) Your friends live on the third floor of a block of flats. Do youa) walk up the stairs when you visit them; b) take the lift when you visit them? 9) When you are in a hurry, do youa) still remember to eat good meals? b) miss a meal, but eat a packet of chips or chocolate? 10) Are you going to smoke when you are an adult? a) Yes; b) No.Now, add up your points and study the analysis. If you follow the given advice, you'll be to get healthy. 5—12 points: You are not going to live to 100 without food and exercise. You must eat more fruit and vegetables. You must also take more exercise. It's fun to be fit!13—24 points: Not bad ... do the same things, but do them more often. Try to eat more fresh vegetables and swim once a week all the year round.25—30 points: You do all the right things. You're going to live to 100.

№ слайда 12 Crossword 1. What is a common habit?2. Every pupil must do morning …3. Vitamines
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Crossword 1. What is a common habit?2. Every pupil must do morning …3. Vitamines contain in fruits and …4. What may pupil of 5th form do at 20.00-7.00? 5. What to develop force, endurance, accuracy and dexterity?6. The main bad … are drinking, smoking and drug addiction.

№ слайда 13 Tests 1. What should people do to keep healthy? a) watch TV too long b) use drug
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Tests 1. What should people do to keep healthy? a) watch TV too long b) use drugs, drinking and smoking c) eat healthy food2. What is the most difficult problem of society? a) drug abuse b) healthy food c) morning exercises3. Well-balanced diet is the key to a) good health b) bad health c) problem of the society 4. Unhealthy food are: a) fruits, milk, meet b) donuts, ice cream, sausages c) vegetables, hot dogs, bread 5. When does pupil of 2nd form should have dinner? a) at 15.00-15.30 b) at 14.00-14.30 c) at 13.00-13.306. What does prevent organism from various diseases? a) work on a computer b) physical culture c) stresses7. Healthy food are: a) fruits, milk, vegetables b) hot dogs, ice cream, sausages c) soda pop, potato chips, french fries 8. … is absence of disease: a) Stresses b) Health c) Unhealth

№ слайда 14 Answers Crossword Tests 1. Alcohol.2. Exercises.3. Vegetadles.4. Sleep.5. Sport.
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Answers Crossword Tests 1. Alcohol.2. Exercises.3. Vegetadles.4. Sleep.5. Sport.6. Habits. 1. c2. a3. a4. b 5. c6. b7. a8. b

№ слайда 15 References
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