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Презентация на тему: Italy

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Презентация на тему: Italy

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№ слайда 1 Italy 45°33′N, 9°13′E
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Italy 45°33′N, 9°13′E

№ слайда 2 MILAN Coat of arms Coordinates: 45°28′N 09°10′E45.467, 9.167 Location of the cit
Описание слайда:

MILAN Coat of arms Coordinates: 45°28′N 09°10′E45.467, 9.167 Location of the city of Milan

№ слайда 3 Milan is without doubt the one of the main centres for shopping in Italy and the
Описание слайда:

Milan is without doubt the one of the main centres for shopping in Italy and the numerous districts in Milan provide a shopper's paradise. Milan shops are generally open from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 15:30 or 16:00 to 19:30 or 20:00, although many of the bigger shops in Milan now open all day. On Saturday shops tend to close earlier at around 17:30 and only a few open on Sundays. Also, many shops in Milan do not open on Monday morning. There is usually late-night shopping every week on Thursdays in Milan.

№ слайда 4 Central Milton Keynes Shopping Centre The Milton Keynes Development Corporation
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Central Milton Keynes Shopping Centre The Milton Keynes Development Corporation began work on the original "Shopping Building" in 1973 as the centrepiece of Central Milton Keynes. The design followed the envisaged glass-covered shopping streets or arcades on the scale of The Galleria in Milan. It formed a glass-and-steel envelope for 130 shops and six department stores, arranged down two parallel daylit streets, planted with tropical and temperate trees. With a length of 720 metres, it was said to contain the longest shopping mall in the world.

№ слайда 5 Central Milton Keynes Shopping Centre The Galleria
Описание слайда:

Central Milton Keynes Shopping Centre The Galleria

№ слайда 6 MARKETS IN MILAN Fiera di Senigallia - Via Calatafimi, Milan. Every Saturday alo
Описание слайда:

MARKETS IN MILAN Fiera di Senigallia - Via Calatafimi, Milan. Every Saturday along the small lake of Darsena is the long established Fiera di Senigallia flea market. Here you will find many bargains, including clothes, military items, jewellery and much more besides. Via Armorari - Duomo, Milan. This collector's market is full of collectables, such as coins, stamps, cards, small toys and more. It is open every Sunday morning. Via Fiori Chiari. This market is one of the best antiques markets in Milan. It is held on the last Sunday of each month, and also on the third Saturday of the month. Mercato di Viale Papiniano - Viale Papiniano, Milan. This huge market offers a wide choice of bargains. It has become the largest market in Milan.

№ слайда 7 THE LUXURY SHOPPING IN MILAN Via Montenapoleone. This is where you can find, amo
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THE LUXURY SHOPPING IN MILAN Via Montenapoleone. This is where you can find, among others, the atelier-showrooms of: Gucci, Versace, Salvatore Ferragamo, Fratelli Rossetti, Etro, Luis Vuitton, Prada, Valentino. In Via Sant'Andrea, a street that crosses Via Montenapoleone you can find: Chanel, Fendi, Armani, Moschino, Kenzo, Prada and Trussardi. Via Sant'Andrea crosses the famous Via della Spiga, where you can enjoy the shop windows at: D&G, Gianfranco Ferré, Tod's, Genny and Prada.

№ слайда 8 Milan is Italy's top source of high fashion and it is only to be expected that t
Описание слайда:

Milan is Italy's top source of high fashion and it is only to be expected that there are many famous designer fashion and clothing outlets in the city. There are also many other smaller shops and stores in central Milan, where there are plenty of stylish outfits and fashion accessories to be found.

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