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Презентация на тему: HISTORY OF TEA

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Презентация на тему: HISTORY OF TEA

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№ слайда 1 HISTORY OF TEA
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№ слайда 2 The history of tea has more than five thousand years and has its origins in anci
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The history of tea has more than five thousand years and has its origins in ancient China. There are several legends about how people found the tea. One of them tells about the legendary emperor Shen Nung. Once emperor, resting in the forest, ordered warm water to drink. Suddenly, the wind rose and fell in the cup a few tea leaves. The emperor drank the drink and felt more cheerful. The history of tea has more than five thousand years and has its origins in ancient China. There are several legends about how people found the tea. One of them tells about the legendary emperor Shen Nung. Once emperor, resting in the forest, ordered warm water to drink. Suddenly, the wind rose and fell in the cup a few tea leaves. The emperor drank the drink and felt more cheerful.

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