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Презентация на тему: National Days in Britain

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Презентация на тему: National Days in Britain

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№ слайда 1
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№ слайда 2 Scotland’s National Day is St. Andrew’s Day (30 November) Scotland’s National Da
Описание слайда:

Scotland’s National Day is St. Andrew’s Day (30 November) Scotland’s National Day is St. Andrew’s Day (30 November) Wales’ National Day is St. David’s Day (1 March) England’s national day is St. George’s Day (23 April) Northern Ireland’s National Day is St. Patrick’s Day (17th March)

№ слайда 3 Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland Saint Andrew is the patron saint of
Описание слайда:

Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland St. Andrew, one of Christ’s twelve apostles, is the patron saint of Scotland. Since medieval times the X-shaped saltire cross upon which St. Andrew was supposedly crucified has been the Scottish national symbol

№ слайда 4 the feast day of Saint Andrew the feast day of Saint Andrew St. Andrew's Day is
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the feast day of Saint Andrew the feast day of Saint Andrew St. Andrew's Day is Scotland's official national day and an official bank holiday although it is a bank holiday, banks are not required to close and employers are not required to give their employees the day off as a holiday is an official flag day in Scotland

№ слайда 5 St. David (c.520-588), the patron saint of Wales, was the founder and first abbo
Описание слайда:

St. David (c.520-588), the patron saint of Wales, was the founder and first abbot-bishop of Menevia, now St. David’s in Dyfed, South Wales. The day is commemorated by the wearing of daffodils or leeks by patriotic Welsh people. Both plants are traditionally regarded as the national emblems of Wales St. David (c.520-588), the patron saint of Wales, was the founder and first abbot-bishop of Menevia, now St. David’s in Dyfed, South Wales. The day is commemorated by the wearing of daffodils or leeks by patriotic Welsh people. Both plants are traditionally regarded as the national emblems of Wales

№ слайда 6 the feast day of Saint David, the patron saint of Wales the feast day of Saint D
Описание слайда:

the feast day of Saint David, the patron saint of Wales the feast day of Saint David, the patron saint of Wales falls on 1 March each year the date of March 1st was chosen in remembrance of the death of Saint David on that day in 589, and has been celebrated by followers since then. The date was declared a national day of celebration within Wales in the 18th century every year parades are held in Wales to commemorate St. David. The largest of these is held in Cardiff the flag of Saint David often plays a central role in the celebrations and can be seen flying throughout Wales

№ слайда 7 St. George is the patron saint of England St. George is the patron saint of Engl
Описание слайда:

St. George is the patron saint of England St. George is the patron saint of England A story that first appeared in the 6th century tells that St. George rescued a hapless maid by slaying a fearsome fire-breathing dragon. The saint’s name was shouted as a battle cry by English knights who fought beneath the red-cross banner of St. George during the Hundred Years War (1338-1453)

№ слайда 8 St George's Day was a major feast and national holiday in England on a par with
Описание слайда:

St George's Day was a major feast and national holiday in England on a par with Christmas from the early 15th century St George's Day was a major feast and national holiday in England on a par with Christmas from the early 15th century in recent years the popularity of St George's Day appears to be increasing gradually a traditional custom at this time was to wear a red rose in one's lapel, though with changes in fashion this is no longer common another custom is to fly or adorn the St George's Cross flag in some way

№ слайда 9 The work of St. Patrick (c.389-c.461) was a vital factor in the spread of Christ
Описание слайда:

The work of St. Patrick (c.389-c.461) was a vital factor in the spread of Christianity in Ireland. Born in Britain, he was carried off by pirates, and spent six years in slavery before escaping and training as a missionary. The day is marked by the wearing of shamrocks, the national badge of both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland The work of St. Patrick (c.389-c.461) was a vital factor in the spread of Christianity in Ireland. Born in Britain, he was carried off by pirates, and spent six years in slavery before escaping and training as a missionary. The day is marked by the wearing of shamrocks, the national badge of both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland

№ слайда 10 is an official Bank Holiday in Northern Ireland is an official Bank Holiday in N
Описание слайда:

is an official Bank Holiday in Northern Ireland is an official Bank Holiday in Northern Ireland according to legend, St. Patrick used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pre-Christian Irish people green ribbons and shamrocks were worn in celebration of St Patrick's Day as early as the 17th century

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