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Презентация на тему: Hip-hop subculture

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Презентация на тему: Hip-hop subculture

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№ слайда 4 Beatbox is a vocal technique, used to imitate percussive elements of the music a
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Beatbox is a vocal technique, used to imitate percussive elements of the music and various technical effects of hip hop DJ's.  

№ слайда 5 The term beatboxing is derived from the mimicry of the first generatio
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The term beatboxing is derived from the mimicry of the first generation of drum machines, then known as beatboxes.

№ слайда 6  is a musical genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music that commo
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 is a musical genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted.

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№ слайда 10 B-boying
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№ слайда 12 Graffiti
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№ слайда 14 DJing
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№ слайда 16 Mcing – spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics with a strong rhythmic accompaniment
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Mcing – spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics with a strong rhythmic accompaniment

№ слайда 17 A Disc Jockey (DJ) is a person who selects and plays recorded music&nb
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A Disc Jockey (DJ) is a person who selects and plays recorded music for an audience. A Master of Ceremonies (MC), is the host of a staged event or similar performance. An MC usually presents performers, speaks to the audience, and generally keeps the event moving.  

№ слайда 18 B-boy and b-girl are practitioners of breakdance
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B-boy and b-girl are practitioners of breakdance

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№ слайда 20  The breakdance battle is the ultimate test of  the Bboy and his crew,
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 The breakdance battle is the ultimate test of  the Bboy and his crew, it's where breakdancing crews get together to see who is the best and check out each others styles. 

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