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Презентация на тему: Intellectual game "I'm know-all"

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Презентация на тему: Intellectual game "I'm know-all"

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№ слайда 1 Intellectual game "I'm know-all"
Описание слайда:

Intellectual game "I'm know-all"

№ слайда 2 Choose the word with a general meaning 1. square, museum, city, park, garden2. l
Описание слайда:

Choose the word with a general meaning 1. square, museum, city, park, garden2. librarian, musician, occupation, actor, dancercityoccupation

№ слайда 3 Put the sentences in the right order:а) It has many buildings.b) It is next to t
Описание слайда:

Put the sentences in the right order:а) It has many buildings.b) It is next to the river Thames.c) The tall building is the White Tower, the Bloody Tower is near the river. d) This is the Tower of London.

№ слайда 4 Cross out the odd word (mind reading rules):sweet, meat, head, cheese, teakind,
Описание слайда:

Cross out the odd word (mind reading rules):sweet, meat, head, cheese, teakind, like, type, five, Britishcook, tooth, juice, spoon, food

№ слайда 5 Find the names of animalssnakelephantigerhinoSnake, elephant, tiger, rhino
Описание слайда:

Find the names of animalssnakelephantigerhinoSnake, elephant, tiger, rhino

№ слайда 6 Match the words and the descriptionsAunt the son or daughter of an auntNiece the
Описание слайда:

Match the words and the descriptionsAunt the son or daughter of an auntNiece the wife of an uncleCousin a male parentFather the daughter of a brother or sister

№ слайда 7 Fill in the appropriate article (a, the, -)1. London is the capital of … United
Описание слайда:

Fill in the appropriate article (a, the, -)1. London is the capital of … United Kingdom.2. …Ivan Petrov is … best pupil in the class.3. I live in … Green Street.

№ слайда 8 Choose the correct translation:My niece is feeding her little kitten.Моя племянн
Описание слайда:

Choose the correct translation:My niece is feeding her little kitten.Моя племянница покормила своего маленького котёнка.Моя племянница кормит своего маленького котёнка.

№ слайда 9 Make up words:m, s, u, m, e, u –s, a, m, o, u, f –p, t, a, i, l, c, a -
Описание слайда:

Make up words:m, s, u, m, e, u –s, a, m, o, u, f –p, t, a, i, l, c, a -

№ слайда 10 Put in the missing letters:…ndepend ... nt cur … o …s t … pical l … ving n … … g
Описание слайда:

Put in the missing letters:…ndepend ... nt cur … o …s t … pical l … ving n … … ghtyindependentcurioustypicallovingnaughty

№ слайда 11 Correct the sentences:Tomorrow I went to the disco.Yesterday he will play footba
Описание слайда:

Correct the sentences:Tomorrow I went to the disco.Yesterday he will play football.I has been to the museum this week.

№ слайда 12 Write a list of guests for your birthday party:I would like to thank all partici
Описание слайда:

Write a list of guests for your birthday party:I would like to thank all participants! All of you are very bright and smart! But the cleverest pupil among you is … ! Let’s congratulate him!

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