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Презентация на тему: Which objects are they going to build?

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Презентация на тему: Which objects are they going to build?

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№ слайда 1 Which objects are they going to build? Author: Levandovskaya Luba, form 8 aSecon
Описание слайда:

Which objects are they going to build? Author: Levandovskaya Luba, form 8 aSecondary school №3 village Bezopasnoe

№ слайда 2 Tasks:To learn some facts about Sochi.To learn the location of Sochi.To learn wh
Описание слайда:

Tasks:To learn some facts about Sochi.To learn the location of Sochi.To learn which Olympic objects are they going to build.

№ слайда 3 Welcome to Sochi 2014 – Our Gateway to the Future. The Sochi 2014 Winter Games w
Описание слайда:

Welcome to Sochi 2014 – Our Gateway to the Future. The Sochi 2014 Winter Games will serve as a gateway to the future for Russia, opening unprecedented opportunities for the development of winter sport, reinvigorating the entire Sochi region and bringing to life the spirit of Olympism for millions of Russian citizens.

№ слайда 4 Sochi is the largest resort region of the Russian Federation. It stretches for 1
Описание слайда:

Sochi is the largest resort region of the Russian Federation. It stretches for 147 km along the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar region and includes the Krasnaya Polyana mountain resort area.

№ слайда 5 Sochi is divided into four administrative districts: Adler, Khosta, Central and
Описание слайда:

Sochi is divided into four administrative districts: Adler, Khosta, Central and Lazarevsky, and it borders the Georgian Republic in the south.

№ слайда 6 On the map, Sochi can be found on the same latitude with Toronto, Nice and the G
Описание слайда:

On the map, Sochi can be found on the same latitude with Toronto, Nice and the Gobi desert. As its charming landscapes and scenery are so reminiscent of the Mediterranean, Sochi is often referred to as the «Russian Riviera».

№ слайда 7 The climate in Sochi is subtropical and the city usually has 200 sunny days a ye
Описание слайда:

The climate in Sochi is subtropical and the city usually has 200 sunny days a year. The average summer temperature is +26° C and -3° C in the winter. You can swim in the sea from April until October, and go skiing from October through May.

№ слайда 8 Which objects are they going to build? The Olympic park Sochi is disposed on the
Описание слайда:

Which objects are they going to build? The Olympic park Sochi is disposed on the seaside of the Black sea in Imeretinskaya lowlands.

№ слайда 9
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№ слайда 10
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№ слайда 11 Conclusion As Sochi is situated between the Caucasian Mountains and the Black Se
Описание слайда:

Conclusion As Sochi is situated between the Caucasian Mountains and the Black Sea, it enjoys the most northern subtropical climate on earth. As a result, its Krasnaya Polyana mountains have great snow conditions and are largely protected from the wind. These unique conditions cannot be found anywhere else in Europe. No one of the athletic buildings is built. The Construction is expected to be done in 2013.

№ слайда 12 The list of literature http://images.yandex.ru/http://plansochi.ru http://sochi2
Описание слайда:

The list of literature http://images.yandex.ru/http://plansochi.ru http://sochi2014.com Materials of information agency «Interfaks» Materials of information agency “Ria Novosty”

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