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Презентация на тему: Skateboarding in USA

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Презентация на тему: Skateboarding in USA

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№ слайда 2 Skateboarding in USA Skateboarding was born in California (USA) in 50ies of last
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Skateboarding in USA Skateboarding was born in California (USA) in 50ies of last year. And already in 1959 a first skateboard Roller Derby appeared in sale. It was not really similar to what we get used to call a skateboard. The similarity was that it had a “Deck”, which was smooth even without curving. Many teenagers look interest in the skateboard, they considered a deck with wheels to be “a means of movement” First skateboarders could do not much: to keep the balance and go round obstacles

№ слайда 3 SKATEBOARDING IN USA First person who look a new born hobby seriously was Larry
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SKATEBOARDING IN USA First person who look a new born hobby seriously was Larry Stivenson, who worked in the magazine “Surf Guide” during that time it was he who began promoting actively new kind of sport into masses.In 1963 a first professional skateboard was constructed by Makaha company it gave a start for conducting the competitions among teenagers.First competitions took place near usual school in California. Skateboarding teams began to appear. The most famous showed unusual according to that time things: riding on hands, jumping from borders.

№ слайда 4 SKATEBOARDING IN USA Gradually skateboarding was developing and in 1964 a first
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SKATEBOARDING IN USA Gradually skateboarding was developing and in 1964 a first magazine about skate appeared. That year first skateboarding company “Hobby Skateboards” with its leader Hobby Alter was founded. Hobie Alter was a former star of skateboarding. He was the first to popularize city streets skating. Mid sixties become the top point of skateboarding`s popularity. More than 50 million boards were sold in 3 years by Makaha company. A teenager with a skate could be met in every town of California. After popularity`s time come time of recession. According to unknown reasons next 8 years skateboarding was spread only in small American towns of western coast. There it continued its existence.

№ слайда 5 SKATEBOARDING IN USA Skateboarding’s second birth is related to 1974. He was con
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SKATEBOARDING IN USA Skateboarding’s second birth is related to 1974. He was continued with technology perfection of deck and suspension brackets. Some companies constructed new types of brackets, allowing to go in for skateboarding more professionally. There appeared some ideas to make bearings and suspensions brackets more perfect, owing to which it became possible to make grinds Polyurethane wheels came into use. In 1976 in Florida a first professional skateboard was built, it gave an opportunity to skate in any weather. At this time street style became popular. The boards became wider, it allowed skaters to make friends easier and stable. More and more different tricks appeared and due to it people began to take great interest in skating.

№ слайда 6 SKATEBOARDING IN USA Here is the whole history of skateboarding,it has its ups a
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SKATEBOARDING IN USA Here is the whole history of skateboarding,it has its ups and downs. People devoted to their business will remain forever. And the fact, if skateboarding will disappear in future or continue developing further depends on every skater. “Transworlds skateboarding”, one of the most popular magazines about this kind of sport was published in 1983.t It became possible for the first time to sign such a magazine.

№ слайда 7 SKATEBOARDING IN USA In 1984 Powell Pegata skateboarding company produced a firs
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SKATEBOARDING IN USA In 1984 Powell Pegata skateboarding company produced a first skateboard video.In middle 80ies clothes and footwear Airwalk,Vans,Santa Cruz appeared.So skaters wear special clothes with logotypes of skaters brands and skated in boots specially designed for skateboarding.By the end of 90ies many skateboarders began to look for their sponsors in order to open their own companies.One of such people was Steve Rocco who founded world Industries. Steve and some of his friends gave a start to a new school of skateboarding based on ollie, flips and technical tricks. Then there was a wave of collapse came and many petty companies were broken

№ слайда 8 SKATEBOARDING IN USA In 1995 the fourth and the last wave of popularity came whi
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SKATEBOARDING IN USA In 1995 the fourth and the last wave of popularity came which has been going on up to now. At the same time Extreme Games were organized.Now the wave of skateboarding seized the whole world and it has become one of the most popular extreme kind of sports.Hundreds of houses and swimming pools became out of use. Those swimming pools were very comfortable for skateboarding due to their round sides. There a new Style Pool Skating was born, after ramps were built, it gave a start to vert skateboarding.

№ слайда 9 SKATEBOARDING IN USA In 1978 Alan Gelfard learnt to jump without hands. In such
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SKATEBOARDING IN USA In 1978 Alan Gelfard learnt to jump without hands. In such a way a new trick named «ollie» appeared and Rodney Mullen, who offered to wind deek’s ends, could make the trick on the smooth surface, promoting skateboarding to a higher level of development. This trick became the foundationg of modern skateboarding And after that came a dead season again. Skateboarding began to lose its positions because of roller-skating appearing

№ слайда 10 SKATEBOARDING IN USA In 1981 «Thrasher» magazine published an article about skat
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SKATEBOARDING IN USA In 1981 «Thrasher» magazine published an article about skateboarding competitions with money prizes .It gave an impulse to next skateboarding rebirthing. A year later Tony Hawk won his first competitions Later he became a world’s champion in vert skateboarding and now he is an alive legend. He inverted a great number of tricks, some of them remain the tricks which only he can make up to nowadays.

№ слайда 11 Титры и прочее Спасибо всем, кто нам помогал в создании этой презентации. Особен
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Титры и прочее Спасибо всем, кто нам помогал в создании этой презентации. Особенно нашим родителям, которые произвели нас на свет Божий. Надеемся, что эта презентация будет оценена по достоинству.

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