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Презентация на тему: I am your friend from America

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Презентация на тему: I am your friend from America

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№ слайда 1 I am your friend from America
Описание слайда:

I am your friend from America

№ слайда 2 A Long Time Ago... Indians Lived Where You Live Now. In Big Villages and Houses.
Описание слайда:

A Long Time Ago... Indians Lived Where You Live Now. In Big Villages and Houses... Our Moms Gardened... Our Dads Hunted... We learned things together...We worshipped together...We helped one another...and we care about you.

№ слайда 3 After Columbus discovered the New World, Spanish Conqistadors found Native peopl
Описание слайда:

After Columbus discovered the New World, Spanish Conqistadors found Native people living in large villages all over "The Island of Florida." You call it America today. Most villages were near rivers. Their biggest river, the Mississippi, ran through the heart of their Nations. Other rivers flowed into it, like the one they lived on, the Tennessee River. They called all of them "The Great River." They were their highways. Indians canoed them for thousands of miles every day.

№ слайда 4 Their House had one very large room. It was always warm inside. He kept it that
Описание слайда:

Their House had one very large room. It was always warm inside. He kept it that way by tending the fire. That was his job. He kept the fire going like his ancestors did... They did that when they came here from Asia during the Ice-Age. Their word for "Home" was "The Place of the Fire!"

№ слайда 5 It was interesting for me to see their dwelling. It is called a wigwam. It is th
Описание слайда:

It was interesting for me to see their dwelling. It is called a wigwam. It is the first type of their house. It is kind of a tent on a skeleton, made of thin trunks, it is covered by a mat, a bark or branches. It has the dome-shaped form and represents a body of Great Spirit. It is the oval-shaped form personifies the world as the whole, steam is - a visible image of Great Spirit. It makes cleaning and spiritual transformation. To go out on the light from this dark room means to leave all dirty.

№ слайда 6 There is a special room for dance of the sun in it. It is also a sacred place. T
Описание слайда:

There is a special room for dance of the sun in it. It is also a sacred place. There is a column in the center, personifies the world axis connecting the Sky and the Earth. The column leads to the Sun, as a symbol of Great Spirit. The flue provides access to Heavens and an entrance for spiritual force.

№ слайда 7 The Plains Indians were nomadic hunters of buffalo. This meant that they had to
Описание слайда:

The Plains Indians were nomadic hunters of buffalo. This meant that they had to follow the buffalos herd when the animals moved from place to place, looking for fresh grass to eat. This required that they be able to unpack and move to another location quickly. They needed a shelter that was portable, durable and water resistant. The tipi was perfect for that. It is the another type of the dwelling.

№ слайда 8 Made of brain tanned buffalo skin, the tipi was water resistant and easily disas
Описание слайда:

Made of brain tanned buffalo skin, the tipi was water resistant and easily disassembled. The tipi's structure consisted of lodge pole pines placed and secured in a cone. Then 14 to 20 buffalo hides were sewn together in a circle with sinew, and stretched across the poles with a smoke hole at the top. A flap was designed to enter and exit the dwelling.

№ слайда 9 Only certain women performed particular duties in making a tipi cover, and only
Описание слайда:

Only certain women performed particular duties in making a tipi cover, and only a few did the cutting and matching of the skins. This knowledge was passed on within the family, or was conditionally sold to someone else. In some tribes, this was a right possessed by only one woman in the village.

№ слайда 10 I think it was interesting for you . Who lived in your territory? Tell about the
Описание слайда:

I think it was interesting for you . Who lived in your territory? Tell about them!!! I shall be glad to read your story. Good-bye, your friend Alex.

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