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Презентация на тему: Groups and movements

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Презентация на тему: Groups and movements

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№ слайда 1 Groups and movements Sidorova S., Abramenko A. 11A Secondary school, Leninskoye
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Groups and movements Sidorova S., Abramenko A. 11A Secondary school, Leninskoye

№ слайда 2 A lot of teenagers join different groups and movements nowadays. In our opinion,
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A lot of teenagers join different groups and movements nowadays. In our opinion, the main reasons of joining the group is ability to show your solidarity with like- minded friends. There are a lot of different subcultures, so young people can find a group or a movement that will suit their interests.

№ слайда 3 Why do people become Goths? Goths are free thinkers, people who don’t accept the
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Why do people become Goths? Goths are free thinkers, people who don’t accept the moral rules of society because they say: 'This is just how it is' or 'This is what God says!'. Rather Goths tend to listen to what you have to say, and make up their own mind.

№ слайда 4 The symbols of Goth The ankh is a fundamental mark of Goth. It means an immortal
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The symbols of Goth The ankh is a fundamental mark of Goth. It means an immortal life because the cross is a symbol of life and the circle is a symbol of eternity. Moreover there are some other different symbols. They are cross, pentagram, heartagram, Celtic cross and eye of Ra.

№ слайда 5 The Goths’ belonging to one or another group in the subculture is defined mostly
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The Goths’ belonging to one or another group in the subculture is defined mostly by appearance and clothes. There is no a “standard” Goth, so we can’t bring any common rules to “discovering Goths”. It’s considered there are 4 criteria.

№ слайда 6 There are clubs, regular concerts of gothic groups, gothic shops, arranged place
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There are clubs, regular concerts of gothic groups, gothic shops, arranged places of meeting in forgotten buildings, cemeteries in cities with developed gothic culture.

№ слайда 7 Gothic view of the life. It’s the “dark” perception of the world, the special ro
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Gothic view of the life. It’s the “dark” perception of the world, the special romantic-depressive view of the life which is reflected in 1. behavior 2. perception of reality 3. relations with society Characteristic features of Goths are “artistry” and aspiration to express themselves .

№ слайда 8 Gothic exterior Mostly, gothic image is black clothes, black hair, black nails,
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Gothic exterior Mostly, gothic image is black clothes, black hair, black nails, black lips and black eyes. Of course, it is not about all of Goths, but majority of them look like it. Their artistry and aspiration to express themselves make them differ from each other.

№ слайда 9 Gothic music Evanescence For my painLacrymosaMarilyn MansonApocalypticaHimNightw
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Gothic music Evanescence For my painLacrymosaMarilyn MansonApocalypticaHimNightwishThe CureThe 69 Eyes

№ слайда 10 Face is made very pale with tone cream or white powder.Eyes are often with black
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Face is made very pale with tone cream or white powder.Eyes are often with black shadows to strengthen the contrast with pale face. Eyes are leaded up with long lines as a cat’s ones.

№ слайда 11 Eyelashes are painted by black mascara. Sometimes different kinds of laying ones
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Eyelashes are painted by black mascara. Sometimes different kinds of laying ones are used.Eyebrows are often removed and are painted straight eyebrows up to the temples.

№ слайда 12 Goth’s hair-style is very original. Mostly, it is of black colour but sometimes
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Goth’s hair-style is very original. Mostly, it is of black colour but sometimes locks are singled by other colours: red, green, blue, silver or violet. Principial kinds of hair are “pony tail”, “irokez”, “the explosion on the macaroni factory” and other.

№ слайда 13 Kinds of Goths Punk GothsVictorian GothsAndrogyn GothsHippie GothsCorporative Go
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Kinds of Goths Punk GothsVictorian GothsAndrogyn GothsHippie GothsCorporative Goths Cyber GothsClassical GothsVampire Goths

№ слайда 14 Mopey Goths They are people who are always in depression, they are very reserved
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Mopey Goths They are people who are always in depression, they are very reserved. Other people think that Mopey Goths treat to life very seriously but they are the real essence of Gothic subculture.

№ слайда 15 Perky Goths It is people who treat to Gothic subculture more relaxed. They like
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Perky Goths It is people who treat to Gothic subculture more relaxed. They like to spend their free time in clubs and parties. Depression is not for them. Majority of Goths all over the world are Perky Goths.

№ слайда 16 Antiqurity, Romantic, & Victorian Goths They are people who prefer the style of
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Antiqurity, Romantic, & Victorian Goths They are people who prefer the style of any historical epoch in their image. This is one of the most effective and beautiful gothic styles.

№ слайда 17 Cyber Goths use electric and copper wire to decorate. They always shave hair or
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Cyber Goths use electric and copper wire to decorate. They always shave hair or paint it in blue, green, and violet colours.

№ слайда 18 Fetish Goths Frickes are similar to fetish aesthetic which express in vinyl, lat
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Fetish Goths Frickes are similar to fetish aesthetic which express in vinyl, latex, and leather clothes.

№ слайда 19 Androgyn Goths They are «no sex» Goths. All make-up they use, hides the sex of t
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Androgyn Goths They are «no sex» Goths. All make-up they use, hides the sex of the person. They prefer skirts, high shoes, vinyl, and latex clothes.

№ слайда 20 We made a pole among our classmates. We asked the only question: “What’s your at
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We made a pole among our classmates. We asked the only question: “What’s your attitude to Goths?” Look at the results.

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