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Презентация на тему: Great Britain

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Презентация на тему: Great Britain

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№ слайда 1
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 2 Great Britain (the full name - the United Kingdom of and Northern Ireland, Engla
Описание слайда:

Great Britain (the full name - the United Kingdom of and Northern Ireland, England). An island nation in Western Europe

№ слайда 3 Administrative division of the UK The UK consists of four administrative and pol
Описание слайда:

Administrative division of the UK The UK consists of four administrative and political sides of (historical province): England (39 counties and 6 metropolitan counties and Greater London) - adm. Central London Wales (22 unitary education: 9 counties, 3 cities and 10 towns, counties) - adm. Cardiff Centre Scotland (12 areas: 9 districts and 3 major territories) - adm. Centre Edinburgh Northern Ireland (26 counties) - adm. Centre Belfast

№ слайда 4 The population of Great Britain from 1900 to 2009: Year Number (person)
Описание слайда:

The population of Great Britain from 1900 to 2009: Year Number (person)

№ слайда 5 Год Численность (чел.) 190035 405 900194950 300 000195951&nb
Описание слайда:

Год Численность (чел.) 190035 405 900194950 300 000195951 900 000197655 900 000199859 100 000200459 834 900200560 441 457200760 776 238200961 634 783

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№ слайда 8 The indigenous people of the country is 92% of the population B. (2001 census),
Описание слайда:

The indigenous people of the country is 92% of the population B. (2001 census), including: English - 83.6% Scots (mostly in Scotland) - 8,5% Welsh (mainly in Wales) - 4,9% Irish (mainly in Northern Ireland) - 2,9%.

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№ слайда 11
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№ слайда 12 Major religions: Christianity, the most common religion (42,079,000) - 71.6%, Is
Описание слайда:

Major religions: Christianity, the most common religion (42,079,000) - 71.6%, Islam (1,591,000) - 2.7%, Hinduism (559.000) - 1%, Sikhism (336.000) - 0,6%, Jewish (267.000) - 0,5%, Buddhism (152.000) - 0,3%, Other religions (179.000) - 0,3%, atheists (9,104,000) - 15,5% did not answer (4,289,000) - 7.3%

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