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Презентация на тему: New Zeland

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Презентация на тему: New Zeland

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№ слайда 1 New Zeland
Описание слайда:

New Zeland

№ слайда 2 When to go? The autumn weather in New Zealand is cooler, but still warm enough f
Описание слайда:

When to go? The autumn weather in New Zealand is cooler, but still warm enough for swimming and other water sports.

№ слайда 3 Where to go? Tekapo - Lake on the South Island in New Zealand. Located in the re
Описание слайда:

Where to go? Tekapo - Lake on the South Island in New Zealand. Located in the region of Canterbury.

№ слайда 4 Rotorua, here are the Valley of Geysers, Aboriginal cultural center of New Zeala
Описание слайда:

Rotorua, here are the Valley of Geysers, Aboriginal cultural center of New Zealand Maori, the thermal park and at the same time "Maori village" where you can see kiwi flightless bird - a symbol of the country, as well Maori Museum, waterfalls, botanical garden. Rotorua, here are the Valley of Geysers, Aboriginal cultural center of New Zealand Maori, the thermal park and at the same time "Maori village" where you can see kiwi flightless bird - a symbol of the country, as well Maori Museum, waterfalls, botanical garden.

№ слайда 5 Kaikoura - a place on the east coast of the South Island north of Christchurch,
Описание слайда:

Kaikoura - a place on the east coast of the South Island north of Christchurch, where you can observe sea lions. Kaikoura - a place on the east coast of the South Island north of Christchurch, where you can observe sea lions.

№ слайда 6
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№ слайда 7
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№ слайда 8
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№ слайда 9 What to eat? Hangi - a way of cooking Maori aborigines. The main "trick&quo
Описание слайда:

What to eat? Hangi - a way of cooking Maori aborigines. The main "trick" is that the food is cooked in a special oven underground.

№ слайда 10 Kumar - one of the varieties of sweet potatoes. Kumar - one of the varieties of
Описание слайда:

Kumar - one of the varieties of sweet potatoes. Kumar - one of the varieties of sweet potatoes.

№ слайда 11 Cake «Pavlova»- meringue cake with fresh fruit, especially popular in New Zealan
Описание слайда:

Cake «Pavlova»- meringue cake with fresh fruit, especially popular in New Zealand and Australia.

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