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Презентация на тему: Frederik Frantsisk Shopen

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Презентация на тему: Frederik Frantsisk Shopen

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№ слайда 1 Frederik Frantsisk Shopen
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Frederik Frantsisk Shopen

№ слайда 2 Frederic Francois Chopin - a virtuoso pianist and teacher. Born March 1, 1810 in
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Frederic Francois Chopin - a virtuoso pianist and teacher. Born March 1, 1810 in the Duchy of Warsaw. In 1829 began his artistic activity.  Playing in Vienna. Krakow. In 1831 he moved to Paris. On the way Chopin wrote a diary (known Shtutgarsky diary).  In it, he described his despair over the defeat of the Polish uprising. At this time appeared his famous "Revolutionary Etude." The success in the Paris was overwhelming. His fame grew in the salons Polish and French aristocracy.

№ слайда 3 In 1837, Frederick felt the first attack of lung disease.  After the break with
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In 1837, Frederick felt the first attack of lung disease.  After the break with George Sand went to London to give concerts and teach. It was his last journey. Nervous intense life sharpened his illness. The great composer Frederic Chopin, Francois died October 17, 1849.

№ слайда 4 But the memory of genius alive. Since 1927, in Warsaw hosts the International Ch
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But the memory of genius alive. Since 1927, in Warsaw hosts the International Chopin Piano Competition. Among winners of the famous Polish pianist H. Sztompka, who was a fan works by Chopin.

№ слайда 5 In 1960 he was issued a postage stamp USSR devoted to Chopin. In 1934, the Warsa
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In 1960 he was issued a postage stamp USSR devoted to Chopin. In 1934, the Warsaw University was founded by Chopin, which was later transformed into the Sociedad Chopin. Society has repeatedly published works of Chopin and articles about his work.

№ слайда 6 March 1, 2010 in the Polish capital - Warsaw opened the most modern and amazing
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March 1, 2010 in the Polish capital - Warsaw opened the most modern and amazing biographical museum in the world - Museum of Frederic Chopin. This event is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of birthday of the famous Polish composer and musician.

№ слайда 7 Resolution of the Seimas of the Republic of Poland in 2010 declared the Year of
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Resolution of the Seimas of the Republic of Poland in 2010 declared the Year of Chopin

№ слайда 8 Mini-project the work was made «Frederik Frantsisk Shopen» by the school girl of
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Mini-project the work was made «Frederik Frantsisk Shopen» by the school girl of the 11 th Kurkchi Mary

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