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Презентация на тему: Copenhagen

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Презентация на тему: Copenhagen

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№ слайда 1 Copenhagen Кудрявцева. 8А Карина
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Copenhagen Кудрявцева. 8А Карина

№ слайда 2 Copenhagen Copenhagen is the capital and largest city of Denmark. Copenhagen is
Описание слайда:

Copenhagen Copenhagen is the capital and largest city of Denmark. Copenhagen is located on two islands: Zealand and Amager. The city's population just over 1 million people.

№ слайда 3 History The city was founded by Bishop Absalon in 1160. in XX century, Copenhage
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History The city was founded by Bishop Absalon in 1160. in XX century, Copenhagen has become the largest city in Scandinavia. Now in a large Copenhagen home to more than 1 million 800 thousand people. There are many scientific center. Today Copenhagen - one of Europe's art centers, a city with a different attractions and history monuments. The center of Copenhagen is the Town Square. Town Hall is decorated with a gilded figure of the Bishop Absalon.

№ слайда 4 Sights 1) "The Little Mermaid" - the world famous sculpture, is located at the e
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Sights 1) "The Little Mermaid" - the world famous sculpture, is located at the entrance of the Copenhagen harbor. Established in 1912 skulptor Edward Eriksena.Now "The Little Mermaid" is a symbol not only of Copenhagen, but the all of Denmark.

№ слайда 5 Sights 2) Tivoli Park - one of the most famous park of entertainments in the wor
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Sights 2) Tivoli Park - one of the most famous park of entertainments in the world. It was founded in 1843 by George Karstensenom. Tivoli offers visitors more than 30 different views. In the park there are any restaurants, cafes and open-air bars.

№ слайда 6 Sights 3)Round Tower. tower Built off 1637 to 1642. The tower's height - 36 mete
Описание слайда:

Sights 3)Round Tower. tower Built off 1637 to 1642. The tower's height - 36 meters. Stages it does not - leads up a gentle spiral ascent of 210 m. Off top of the tower offers a amazing view of the old Copenhagen.

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