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Презентация на тему: Christmas

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Презентация на тему: Christmas

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№ слайда 1 Christmas
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№ слайда 2 We would like to tell you about Christmas in America.
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We would like to tell you about Christmas in America.

№ слайда 3 The Christmas and holiday season begins around the end of November, the day afte
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The Christmas and holiday season begins around the end of November, the day after the U.S. holiday of Thanksgiving. Though Christmas decorations and music playing in stores sometimes extend into the period between Halloween and Thanksgiving. The Christmas and holiday season begins around the end of November, the day after the U.S. holiday of Thanksgiving. Though Christmas decorations and music playing in stores sometimes extend into the period between Halloween and Thanksgiving.

№ слайда 4 Schools are closed during the period between Christmas and the New Year’s D
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Schools are closed during the period between Christmas and the New Year’s Day holiday, which is a time commonly used to spend time with family.Schools are closed during the period between Christmas and the New Year’s Day holiday, which is a time commonly used to spend time with family.

№ слайда 5 The interior and exterior of houses are decorated during the weeks leading up to
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The interior and exterior of houses are decorated during the weeks leading up to Christmas Eve. The Christmas tree usually stands centrally in the home, decorated with ornaments, tinsel and lights, with an angel or a star symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem at the top. The interior and exterior of houses are decorated during the weeks leading up to Christmas Eve. The Christmas tree usually stands centrally in the home, decorated with ornaments, tinsel and lights, with an angel or a star symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem at the top.

№ слайда 6 Christmas is favorite holiday in the American schools too.Christmas is favorite
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Christmas is favorite holiday in the American schools too.Christmas is favorite holiday in the American schools too.

№ слайда 7
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№ слайда 8 Christmas Eve is popularly described as "the night before Christmas".
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Christmas Eve is popularly described as "the night before Christmas". Better known as Santa Claus, he visits homes while children are sleeping the night before Christmas morning. Christmas Eve is popularly described as "the night before Christmas". Better known as Santa Claus, he visits homes while children are sleeping the night before Christmas morning.

№ слайда 9 Christmas stockings are hung on the mantelpiece for Santa Claus to fill with lit
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Christmas stockings are hung on the mantelpiece for Santa Claus to fill with little gifts. Christmas stockings are hung on the mantelpiece for Santa Claus to fill with little gifts. It is tradition throughout the United States for children to leave a glass of milk and plate of Christmas cookies for Santa Claus.

№ слайда 10 Family wrapped presents are placed near the tree, including presents to be given
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Family wrapped presents are placed near the tree, including presents to be given to pets. Friends exchange presents and tell each other, "Do not open before Christmas!" Presents are most commonly opened on the morning of Christmas Day; other families choose to open presents on Christmas Eve, depending on family traditions. Usually children are allowed to play with their new toys after.Family wrapped presents are placed near the tree, including presents to be given to pets. Friends exchange presents and tell each other, "Do not open before Christmas!" Presents are most commonly opened on the morning of Christmas Day; other families choose to open presents on Christmas Eve, depending on family traditions. Usually children are allowed to play with their new toys after.

№ слайда 11 The traditional Christmas dinner usually features either roasted turkey with stu
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The traditional Christmas dinner usually features either roasted turkey with stuffing or roast beef and Yorkshire puddings. So much variety of sweet pastry with cinnamon and nutmeg are served on the dinner. Certain dishes such as casseroles and desserts are prepared with a family secret recipe. Fruits, nuts, cheeses and chocolates are enjoyed as snacks.The traditional Christmas dinner usually features either roasted turkey with stuffing or roast beef and Yorkshire puddings. So much variety of sweet pastry with cinnamon and nutmeg are served on the dinner. Certain dishes such as casseroles and desserts are prepared with a family secret recipe. Fruits, nuts, cheeses and chocolates are enjoyed as snacks.

№ слайда 12 Christmas is the special holiday in America, it’s a magical time for kids and fo
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Christmas is the special holiday in America, it’s a magical time for kids and for adult. It’s time, when you can think about happy or sad things that make you remember what's really important. It’s time when you can wish Merry Christmas to family, friends and even to strangers, because you know that it would be nice to them. It’s time of Christmas songs, of bright lights, the smell of trees. It’s time of beauty. It’s time of MAGIC.Christmas is the special holiday in America, it’s a magical time for kids and for adult. It’s time, when you can think about happy or sad things that make you remember what's really important. It’s time when you can wish Merry Christmas to family, friends and even to strangers, because you know that it would be nice to them. It’s time of Christmas songs, of bright lights, the smell of trees. It’s time of beauty. It’s time of MAGIC.

№ слайда 13
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