What is your medical history? Джумагазиева А.М.учитель английского языка МОУ Неприкская СОШ
What are we going to do?Повторить лексику по теме «Здоровье»Повторить модальные глаголы should, mustПовторить Present Perfect Tense Познакомиться с образованием общего вопроса и отрицательной формой в Present Perfect TenseСамостоятельная работа Подведение итогов урока
Repeat the sounds.[ei] ache, headache, backache, stomachache[e] rest, dentist, headache, medical check[ou] cold, nose, throat[o] hospital, doctor, compress, operation.
Test. I variant.I. 1. She has had never a backache.2. I have never had a headache.3. Have you ever had a toothache?4. Has he had a stomachache ever?5. I have never had the flu.II. Have you ever had a headache?II variant.I. 1. Have you ever had the flu?2. He never has had earache.3. Has she had ever a cold?4. She has never had sore throat. 5. Has he ever had a headache?II. Have you ever had a headache?
Health is above wealth.