Things that usually or always happen Things that usually or always happen General or scientific facts and definitions Instructions in situations
Possible situations in present or future and their results in present or future Possible situations in present or future and their results in present or future
Make sentences. Choose from the boxes. Make sentences. Choose from the boxes.
Choose the correct form of the verb. Choose the correct form of the verb.
Complete using the correct form of the verb in the box: Complete using the correct form of the verb in the box:
Impossible, unlikely or hypothetical conditions in the present or future and their result in the present or future Impossible, unlikely or hypothetical conditions in the present or future and their result in the present or future Advice
Give the right form of the verb in brackets. Give the right form of the verb in brackets.
Write sentences using the second conditional. Example: Write sentences using the second conditional. Example: I don’t want to buy that CD, so I’m not going to. - If I wanted to buy that CD, I would.
Complete each sentence. Use either I or II Conditional Complete each sentence. Use either I or II Conditional
Complete each sentence. Use will or would and the present or past simple Complete each sentence. Use will or would and the present or past simple
Rewrite each comment beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning. Rewrite each comment beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
Hypothetical conditions in the past and their results in the past Hypothetical conditions in the past and their results in the past
Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence. Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.
English Grammar, Drozdova T., Mailova M., СПб, Триада, 1997 English Grammar, Drozdova T., Mailova M., СПб, Триада, 1997 Grammar and Vocabulary, Exam skills for Russia, Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S., Macmillan, 2009 Language Practice Elementary, Vince M., Macmillan, 2008 Language Practice Intermediate, Vince M., Macmillan, 2008 Анимированные картинки - (раздел «Разное», 10 страница)