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Презентация на тему: Conditionals

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Презентация на тему: Conditionals

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Описание слайда:


№ слайда 2 УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЕ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ . Conditionals употребляется для того, чтобы назвать
Описание слайда:

УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЕ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ . Conditionals употребляется для того, чтобы назвать действие, которое не происходит или не произошло, т.к. для этого не было или нет соответствующих условий, эти условия в данной ситуации неосуществимы, т.е. нереальны. ZERO CONDITIONALДля описания правил или ситуаций, где одно событие всегда следует за другим. If + Present Simple, Present SimpleIf you freeze water, it turns to ice.If you eat a lot of sweets, you put on weight. FIRST CONDITIONALДля описания возможного будущего действия, которое зависит от другого будущего действия. If + Present Simple, will/won’t + infinitive without to.If the rain stops, the match will begin.If people don’t stop polluting the air, animals will soon die.

№ слайда 3 SECOND CONDITIONAL1.Для описания нереального, воображаемого события в будущем.If
Описание слайда:

SECOND CONDITIONAL1.Для описания нереального, воображаемого события в будущем.If I wasn’t so busy, I would help him.2.Для описания нереальной ситуации в настоящем.If we had a villa in the Caribbean, we would spend our holidays there. If + Past Simple, would/ could/ might + infinitive without to. THIRD CONDITIONALДля описания нереальной ситуации в прошлом.If I had known you were ill, I would have phoned you.If the weather had been better, we would have gone sailing. If + Past Perfect (had + V3), would/could/ might + have + V3.

№ слайда 4 PRACTICE I. Complete the Zero Conditional sentences.1.We usually (walk)______hom
Описание слайда:

PRACTICE I. Complete the Zero Conditional sentences.1.We usually (walk)______home together if we both (finish)________ at the same time.2.If you (mix)______red and blue, you (get)_____purple.3.Ben (not like)____________music if it (not have)____________a fast rhythm.4.I (go)_____to bed if I (feel)______tired.5.If I (need)________advice, I usually (talk)_____to Jack. II. Circle the correct answer. Zero or First Conditional.1.If I have/ ‘ll have time this evening, I call/ ‘ll call you.2.If you ‘re/ ‘ll be out, I see/ ‘ll see you tomorrow.3.Mark doesn’t/ won’t organise another game if we don’t/ won’t go to this one.4.Where do/ will you wait for us if you get/ ‘ll get there early?5.If Mark has/ will have his car, do/ will you ask him to give you a lift home?

№ слайда 5 III.Use Zero Conditional. Write about George’s day.1.Bed late get up late_______
Описание слайда:

III.Use Zero Conditional. Write about George’s day.1.Bed late get up late_________________________________________2.Get up late have breakfast late________________________________________3.Have breakfast late not catch bus__________________________________________4.Not catch bus go to work on foot_____________________________________________5.Go to work on foot not arrive in the office before 11 a.m.___________________________________________________6. Not arrive in the office before 11a.m. His boss get angry______________________________________________________7.His boss get angry George work badly_____________________________________________________

№ слайда 6 IV. Write First conditional questions. 1.I/get into/the concert/if/I/not buy/a t
Описание слайда:

IV. Write First conditional questions. 1.I/get into/the concert/if/I/not buy/a ticket in advance?________________________________________________2.if/I/phone/you at 6 o’clock/you/be/at home?_________________________________________________3.what/we/do/if/the restaurant/not serve/vegetarian food?______________________________________________________4.Jane/be/angry/if/we/not arrive/on time?________________________________________________________5.if/I/get/a laptop/where/I/should/buy/it?_________________________________________________________ V. First Conditional or Second Conditional. 1.My sister is very clever. If I worked harder, I (be)_________as clever as my sister.2.Look at those clouds. If it (rain)__________, we’ll get wet. 3.Do you want my advice? If I were you, I (find)_______________a new girl.4.The bus is late. If it (not arrive)_______________soon, we’ll get a taxi.5.Mike doesn’t do much sport. If he did more sport, he (be)______________thinner.

№ слайда 7 VI. First Conditional or Second conditional. Match the two halves of the sentenc
Описание слайда:

VI. First Conditional or Second conditional. Match the two halves of the sentences. 1.If I finish my homework,2.If I wasn’t so busy,I’ll make you a cake.we’d get a dog.3.If my parents weren’t at work all day,4.If I have time,I’ll come about seven.I’d help him.5.If he passes his exams,6.If I saved all my pocket money,I wouldn’t have enough for a present.he will leave school this summer. 1.If I finish my homework, I’ll come about seven.2.If I wasn’t so busy, I’d help him.3.If my parent’s weren’t at work all day, we’d get a dog.4.If I have time, I’ll make you a cake.5.If he passes his exams, he will leave school this summer.6.If I saved all my pocket money, I wouldn’t have enough for a present.

№ слайда 8 VII. Finish these sentences. If I were the President of Russia, I… If I won one
Описание слайда:

VII. Finish these sentences. If I were the President of Russia, I… If I won one million dollars,… If I were a girl,… If I were rich,… If I were the Minister of Education of Russia,… If my family were millionaires,… If I were sixty now,… If I went to the Moon,… If I were the headmaster of our school,…

№ слайда 9 VIII. Make up a Third Conditional story. If I hadn’t gone to London, I wouldn’t
Описание слайда:

VIII. Make up a Third Conditional story. If I hadn’t gone to London, I wouldn’t have got this job. If I hadn’t got this job, I… Went to LondonGot this jobMet PaulineFell in loveGot marriedHad childrenBought computer gamesHad the idea for a computer companyStarted the factory

№ слайда 10 ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА. 1.Grammar Practice. – Longman, 20072.Opportunities. R
Описание слайда:

ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА. 1.Grammar Practice. – Longman, 20072.Opportunities. Russian Edition. – Longman, 20063.Картинки из коллекции сайта www.lenagold.ru

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