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Презентация на тему: Cinema

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Презентация на тему: Cinema

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№ слайда 1 Cinema Salkov and Cats  presents
Описание слайда:

Cinema Salkov and Cats  presents

№ слайда 2 Cinema - public institution to public demonstration of films. The main premise o
Описание слайда:

Cinema - public institution to public demonstration of films. The main premise of the cinema - hall with a screen size is large and the system of reproduction of sound, consisting of several speakers, providing surround sound.

№ слайда 3 Theater, public building (or part of it), equipped for movies. Modern K. in the
Описание слайда:

Theater, public building (or part of it), equipped for movies. Modern K. in the USSR and other countries is a complex structure. The basic premise K. - the audience with a great sound transmission reflective screen (width up to 30 m) and set for him with powerful speakers. Major K. has air conditioning, an acoustically treated walls and ceilings, decorative lighting, motion picture projection complex (behind the wall of the auditorium) consists of several powerful universal projectors to demonstrate normal and widescreen sound films on film 35 mm wide and wide stereo movies on film 70 mm wide, high power electronic audio amplifiers, The power devices temniteley light, automatic or semi-automatic control system Picture Show, etc., are also available for visitors lobby, office space.

№ слайда 4 50-60-ies. appeared K. special kinds of cinema - stereoscopic (with interior mot
Описание слайда:

50-60-ies. appeared K. special kinds of cinema - stereoscopic (with interior motion picture), a circular Kinopanorama. Become widespread in the major concert halls of places 2500-4000 MPV, technical equipment and speakers which provide a large staging concerts and display all kinds of movies (normal, wide and wide). Among these rooms in the USSR: October Hall in Leningrad (4000 seats), the Central Concert Hall "Russia" hotel in Moscow (3000 seats), hotel "Ukraine" in Kiev (4000 seats), the Palace of Arts in Tashkent (2500 seats).

№ слайда 5 One of the world's largest multi-purpose halls - the Kremlin Palace of Congresse
Описание слайда:

One of the world's largest multi-purpose halls - the Kremlin Palace of Congresses in Moscow (6150 seats), equipped with an integrated Acoustic sound system for stereo sound and changing acoustic conditions in different states of the hall (congresses, concerts, opera performances, film screenings) and powerful motion picture projection equipment, ensuring the display of all kinds of modern films on the screen (width 27 m), mounted on a metal frame, is advanced to the forefront of electric room

№ слайда 6 The most widely K. medium capacity (from 300 to 1,000 seats). In the USSR, K. in
Описание слайда:

The most widely K. medium capacity (from 300 to 1,000 seats). In the USSR, K. in specialized buildings, there are about 13 000, in the buildings for other purposes (cultural centers, clubs, etc.) - a few tens of thousands. The total number of K in the world - about 100 thousand

№ слайда 7 thank you for your attention
Описание слайда:

thank you for your attention

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