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Презентация на тему: Canadian Tourist Attractions

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Презентация на тему: Canadian Tourist Attractions

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№ слайда 1 Canadian Tourist Attractions 8Q and 8N Student collaboration Featuring work from
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Canadian Tourist Attractions 8Q and 8N Student collaboration Featuring work from Jack S, Brandon C, Alisha L, Olivia T, Lesley B, Laura A, Mahala M, and Marci

№ слайда 2 World’s largest Here in the mighty Atlantic province of N.B we are home to many
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World’s largest Here in the mighty Atlantic province of N.B we are home to many wonderful attractions, in our province of New Brunswick we have several of the largest objects on the planet. These range from the giant axe of Nackawic to the longest covered bridge, in Hartland. We also have the largest maple leaf, which is one of our lesser structures.

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№ слайда 5 New Brunswick Tourism
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New Brunswick Tourism

№ слайда 6 The Hopewell Rocks are rock formations which have been eroded at their base over
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The Hopewell Rocks are rock formations which have been eroded at their base over time by the ocean, causing intricate formations. These unusual rocks are located in Hopewell Cape, near Moncton.

№ слайда 7 Rising beautifully at the western side of the province, near Chaleur Bay, the Ap
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Rising beautifully at the western side of the province, near Chaleur Bay, the Appalachians are a world of their own, frozen in time, filled with natural beauty. You’ll be in shock by just how untouched it is. You can canoe the wonderful lakes and rivers that surround the mountains, or hike the pristine trails that take you to inspiring lookouts . Appalachian range

№ слайда 8 Fundy National Park Fundy National Park was New Brunswick’s first national park,
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Fundy National Park Fundy National Park was New Brunswick’s first national park, created in 1948. It has hiking trails covering 120 kilometers of unspoiled land. There is even a chance to create coastal art. It makes for the perfect family vacation destination.

№ слайда 9 Parlee Beach This beach includes sugar-white sand and the warmest waters in Cana
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Parlee Beach This beach includes sugar-white sand and the warmest waters in Canada, plus tons of recreational activities and plenty of lively Acadian spirit. It also boasts the World’s Largest Lobster, in sculpture form of course. Families come from all over to enjoy the beautiful waters.

№ слайда 10 Avonlea VillageTraditional music kitchen parties, Square and step dancing lesson
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Avonlea VillageTraditional music kitchen parties, Square and step dancing lessons, Horse and wagon rides, Barn yard animals and pig race, Kids craft studio, Games and activities, school like 1908, Puppet and music shows

№ слайда 11 St. AndrewsThe establishment of Saint Andrews began in 1140. By the 19th century
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St. AndrewsThe establishment of Saint Andrews began in 1140. By the 19th century, the town began to expand beyond the original medieval boundaries with streets of new houses and town villas being built. It was founded in 1783 and became an incorporated town in 1903.

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