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Презентация на тему: What had been before?

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Презентация на тему: What had been before?

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№ слайда 1 What had been before?
Описание слайда:

What had been before?

№ слайда 2 Pass the happy news along, Listen to the birds sweet songs. Spring is coming, wi
Описание слайда:

Pass the happy news along, Listen to the birds sweet songs. Spring is coming, winter’s gone! Pass the happy news along.

№ слайда 3 детсад художник библиотекарь спасатель завод магазин полицейский участок бизнесм
Описание слайда:

детсад художник библиотекарь спасатель завод магазин полицейский участок бизнесмен бухгалтер журналист рабочий модель a kindergarten a painter a librarian a relief worker a factory a shop a police station a businessman an accountant a journalist a worker a model

№ слайда 4 Dates seven ninety-three fifteen-o[әu] four nineteen hundred nineteen fifty-two
Описание слайда:

Dates seven ninety-three fifteen-o[әu] four nineteen hundred nineteen fifty-two nineteen ninety-eight two thousand two thousand five two thousand ten

№ слайда 5 Elizabeth II became queen in1952. She had been princess before 1952. Vivien Leig
Описание слайда:

Elizabeth II became queen in1952. She had been princess before 1952. Vivien Leigh played Scarlett in the famous 1939 Hollywood film. She had not acted in famous 1939 Hollywood films before 1939. Andre Agassi won the Wimbledon competition in 1992. He had trained a lot before he won the competition. Charles Dickens had been a journalist before he wrote his famous book Pickwick Papers and became a famous writer.

№ слайда 6 Past Perfect Tense Прошедшее совершенное время He had trained a lot before he wo
Описание слайда:

Past Perfect Tense Прошедшее совершенное время He had trained a lot before he won the championship. Он много тренировался, прежде чем выиграл чемпионат. She had not played in Hollywood films before 1939. Она не играла в голливудских фильмах до 1939 года. Where had he worked before 1837? Где он работал до 1837? Had he worked before 1837? Он работал до 1837?

№ слайда 7
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 8
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 9 Before Capitan Cook went to the Antarctica … Before Capitan Cook spent his last
Описание слайда:

Before Capitan Cook went to the Antarctica … Before Capitan Cook spent his last winter at Hawaii … Capitan Cook had been to Australia before … Before Capitan Cook went to the Arctic in 1775 … Before Capitan Cook explored Hawaii … Capitan Cook had joined the Navy before … he visited the Antarctica. he had been to Australia, the Antarctica and the Arctic. he had been to Australia. he had visited the Arctic in 1775. he went to Australia. he had been to Australia and the Antarctica.

№ слайда 10 Well done!
Описание слайда:

Well done!

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