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Презентация на тему: Washington D.C. - the Capital of the United States of America

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Презентация на тему: Washington D.C. - the Capital of the United States of America

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№ слайда 1 Washington D.C. - the Capital of the United States of America.
Описание слайда:

Washington D.C. - the Capital of the United States of America.

№ слайда 2 The Flag and the Syimbol of Washington D. C.Motto: Justitia omnibus (Justice to
Описание слайда:

The Flag and the Syimbol of Washington D. C.Motto: Justitia omnibus (Justice to all).Flower: American beauty rose.Tree: Scarlet oak.

№ слайда 3 Washington,D.C. is the capital of the United States of America.It is situated be
Описание слайда:

Washington,D.C. is the capital of the United States of America.It is situated between Virginia and Mariland on the Potomac River.The district is named after Columbus.

№ слайда 4 The city was named after George Washington, the first American President.He led
Описание слайда:

The city was named after George Washington, the first American President.He led the American army in many battles during the War for American Independence.

№ слайда 5 This is the Capitol where the Congress of the United States meets.The building s
Описание слайда:

This is the Capitol where the Congress of the United States meets.The building stands on Capitol Hill, the highest point in the city.The Capitol Dome is so large that you can see it everywhere in Washington.

№ слайда 6 In the centre of the city you can see an obelisk. It is a monument to George Was
Описание слайда:

In the centre of the city you can see an obelisk. It is a monument to George Washington – the first President of the United States of America. It is one of the largest stone monuments in the world. On the top of it you can see a pyramid. It is used as an observation platform. From it you can see the entire District of Columbia.

№ слайда 7 The White House, the official residence of the President.This is the oldest publ
Описание слайда:

The White House, the official residence of the President.This is the oldest public building in Washington D.C.The first residents of the White House were President and Mrs. John Adams in November 1800.There are 132 rooms in the White House.

№ слайда 8 Washington is one of the most beautiful and unusual cities in the USA.There are
Описание слайда:

Washington is one of the most beautiful and unusual cities in the USA.There are no skyscrapers because they would hide the city’s monuments from view.This is Pennsylvania Avenue.

№ слайда 9 This is the Lincoln Memorial, built in honor of Abraham Lincoln.He became the si
Описание слайда:

This is the Lincoln Memorial, built in honor of Abraham Lincoln.He became the sixteenth President of the United States in 1861. Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the blacks in the South from slavfry.

№ слайда 10 It is the Jefferson Memorial. Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the Un
Описание слайда:

It is the Jefferson Memorial. Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United States. He wrote the Declaration of Independence.

№ слайда 11 This is the Arlington National Cemetery.Such is the price which the American peo
Описание слайда:

This is the Arlington National Cemetery.Such is the price which the American people have to pay for the military adventures of the Pentagon.

№ слайда 12 The population of the city and it’s suburbs is about 3,8 million people.Most of
Описание слайда:

The population of the city and it’s suburbs is about 3,8 million people.Most of the people work at the government offices.Washington has little industry.The federal government and tourism are the mainstains of city’s economy.

№ слайда 13 Thousands of tourists visit Washington every day.People from all parts of the Un
Описание слайда:

Thousands of tourists visit Washington every day.People from all parts of the United States come to see their capital and the monuments to those who in past centuries struggled for the independence of their country.

№ слайда 14 Task for pupils. Is it true or false?1.George Washington did not live in the Whi
Описание слайда:

Task for pupils. Is it true or false?1.George Washington did not live in the White House.2.New York City is the capital of the USA.3.John Adams was the first president to live in the White House.4.Washington D.C. has little industry.5.Buildings in the city may be more than 40 meters tall.6.There are 132 rooms in the White House.7.U S Capitol is the tallest building in Washington D.C.8.The Arlington National Cemetery is located in the state of Washington.9.The President lives and works in the White House.10.Visitors can tour all of the rooms in the White House.

№ слайда 15 Список литературы:1.Зайденберг Р. И др. «По Соединенным Штатам»Москва, издательс
Описание слайда:

Список литературы:1.Зайденберг Р. И др. «По Соединенным Штатам»Москва, издательство «Эком – Пресс»,1997 г.2.Клементьева Т.Б. «Счастливый Английский»Обнинск, издательство «Титул»,2006 г.3. «Соединенные Штаты Америки».Тексты для устных ответов и письменных работ на английском языке. Москва, издательство «Русский язык»,1997 г.4.Томахин Г.Д. «США. Лингвострановедческий словарь».Москва, издательство «Русский язык»,2000 г.5.”The Capital of the USA”, «Английский язык»Приложение к газете «Первое сентября» № 23,1996 г.

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