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Презентация на тему: Английская грамматика

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Презентация на тему: Английская грамматика

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№ слайда 1 English Grammar in Proverbs and Sayings Английская грамматика в пословицах и пог
Описание слайда:

English Grammar in Proverbs and Sayings Английская грамматика в пословицах и поговорках Тренировочные задания Автор: учитель английского языка Боженко Н.Г.

№ слайда 2   Task 1. Use the Simple Present to complete the sentences. Give the Russian equ
Описание слайда:

  Task 1. Use the Simple Present to complete the sentences. Give the Russian equivalents to these proverbs.   1. It (be) good fishing in trouble waters. 2. A fish (stink) at the head. 3. Every cloud (have) a silver lining. 4. It never (rain) but it (pour). 5. One cloud (be) enough to eclipse the sun. 6. After rain (come) fine weather. 7. Haste (make) waste. 8. Second thoughts (be) the best.

№ слайда 3 Task 2. Use the Simple Past to complete the sentences. Give the Russian equivale
Описание слайда:

Task 2. Use the Simple Past to complete the sentences. Give the Russian equivalents to these proverbs. 1. Rome (not build) in a day. 2. Little strokes (fall) great oaks. 3. Care (kill) the cat. 4. He who (please) everybody (die) before he (be) born. 5. He that never (climb), never (fall). 6. Diamond (cut) diamond. 7. When Queen Anne (be alive).

№ слайда 4 Task 3. Complete the proverbs. Use articles a or an, the. Give the Russian equiv
Описание слайда:

Task 3. Complete the proverbs. Use articles a or an, the. Give the Russian equivalents. 1. To beat about … bush. 2. It`s … last straw that breaks the camel`s back. 3. Among … blind … one-eyed man is a king. 4.… drowning man will grasp at … straw. 5. ... friend in need is … friend indeed. 6. To call … spade … spade.

№ слайда 5 Task 4. Complete the proverbs. Use articles a or an, the. Give the Russian equiv
Описание слайда:

Task 4. Complete the proverbs. Use articles a or an, the. Give the Russian equivalents. 1. …beggar can never be bankrupt. 2. … fool at forty is … fool indeed. 3. …busiest man finds …most leisure. 4. …hungry man is …angry man. 5. …exception proves … rule.

№ слайда 6 Task 5. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the words. Give Russ
Описание слайда:

Task 5. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the words. Give Russian equivalents. 1. Half a loaf is (good) than no bread. 2. Actions speak (loud) than words 3. (good) a small fish than an empty dish. 4. Blood is (thick) than water. 5. No (soon) said than done. 6. The (much) haste, the (little) speed.

№ слайда 7 Task 6. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the words. Give Russ
Описание слайда:

Task 6. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the words. Give Russian equivalents. 1. False friends are (bad) than open enemies. 2. A good name is (good) than riches. 3. Two heads are (good) than one. 4. Company in distress makes trouble (little). 5. (good) late than never. 6. The (high) the ape goes, the (much) he shows his tail.

№ слайда 8 Task 7. Complete the sentences. Use the superlative form of the words. Give Russ
Описание слайда:

Task 7. Complete the sentences. Use the superlative form of the words. Give Russian equivalents.   1. The (little) said, the (soon) mended. 2. He laughs (good) who laughs last. 3. Honesty is the (good) policy. 4. Hunger is the (good) sauce. 5. The (busy) man finds the (much) leisure.

№ слайда 9   Task 8. Conditional sentences. Complete the proverbs with the verbs in parenth
Описание слайда:

  Task 8. Conditional sentences. Complete the proverbs with the verbs in parentheses. Give the Russian equivalents to these proverbs.   1. If its and ans (be) pots and pans. 2. If wishes (be) horses, beggars might ride. 3. If the cap (fit), wear it. 4. If life (give) you lemons – make lemonade. 5. If you (laugh) before breakfast you will cry before supper. 6. If you try to please all, you (please) none.

№ слайда 10 Task 9. Complete the sentences. Use the superlative form of the words. Give Russ
Описание слайда:

Task 9. Complete the sentences. Use the superlative form of the words. Give Russian equivalents. 1. (good) defense is offence. 2. Stolen fruit is the (sweet). 3. The (high) art is artlessness. 4. If the (bad) comes to the (bad). 5. The (good) fish swim near the bottom. 6. The (high) tree has the (great) fall.

№ слайда 11   Task 15. Write the correct form of the nouns in parentheses making them plural
Описание слайда:

  Task 15. Write the correct form of the nouns in parentheses making them plural. Give Russian equivalents to the English proverbs. 1.(child) are poor men`s riches. 2. (parent) are (pattern). 3. All (cat) are grey in the dark. 4. Barking (dog) seldom bite. 5. All (man) can`t be first. 6. Have more (life) than a cat. 7. It rains (cat) and (dog).

№ слайда 12 Task 11. Put questions to the underlined words. Match the English proverbs with
Описание слайда:

Task 11. Put questions to the underlined words. Match the English proverbs with the Russian equivalents. 1. The early bird catches the worm. 2. Put not your head between the bark and the tree. 3. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 4. The belly has no ears. 5. A silent fool is considered wise. 6. A heavy purse makes a light heart. 7. The leopard cannot change his spots a) Голодное брюхо ко всему глухо. b)Не пеняй на соседа, коли спишь до обеда. c) Молчи – за умного сойдёшь. d)Не суй носа в чужое просо. e)Плохому танцору туфли жмут. f)Горбатого могила исправит. g)Есть чем звякнуть, так можно и крякнуть.

№ слайда 13   Task 13. Use a gerund or an infinitive to complete each sentence. Match the En
Описание слайда:

  Task 13. Use a gerund or an infinitive to complete each sentence. Match the English proverbs with the Russian equivalents. 1. (make) a mountain out of a molehill. 2. (kill) two birds with one stone. 3. Early to bed and early (rise) makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 4. Better die (stand) than live (kneel). 5. (tell) tales out of school. 6. A good (begin) is a good end. 7. Be slow (promise) and quick (perform). 8. The proof of the pudding is in its (eat). a) Выносить сор из избы. b)Обед узнают по кушанью, а ум по слушанью. c) Лучше смерть славная, чем жизнь позорная. d) Обещай мало – делай много. e) Делать из мухи слона. f) Хорошее начало полдела откачало. Лиха беда начала. g) Одним ударом двух мух убить. h) Кто рано ложится и рано встаёт, здоровье, богатство и ум наживёт

№ слайда 14 Task 6. Use adjectives from the list to complete the proverbs. Match the English
Описание слайда:

Task 6. Use adjectives from the list to complete the proverbs. Match the English proverbs with Russian equivalents. Like, black, well, old, fit, sure, plain 1. As …as eggs is eggs. 2. As … as a fiddle. 3. As … as two peas. 4. As … be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb. 5. The devil is not so … as he is painted. 6. As … as hills. a) Старо как мир. b) Как дважды два – четыре. c) Как две капли. d) Не так страшен чёрт, как его малюют. e) Семь бед – один ответ. f) Стройный как струна.

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