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Презентация на тему: Europe Trivia Quiz 2

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Презентация на тему: Europe Trivia Quiz 2

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№ слайда 1 Which European country is known as Suomi in its own language? Finland Latvia Slo
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Which European country is known as Suomi in its own language? Finland Latvia Slovenia

№ слайда 2 Finland
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№ слайда 3 How many countries are currently in the EU? 26 21 28
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How many countries are currently in the EU? 26 21 28

№ слайда 4 28
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№ слайда 5 Which city is the furthest north? Copenhagen, Denmark Vilnius, Lithuania Edinbur
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Which city is the furthest north? Copenhagen, Denmark Vilnius, Lithuania Edinburgh, Scotland

№ слайда 6 Edinburgh, Scotland
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Edinburgh, Scotland

№ слайда 7 Which three colours make up the Lithuanian flag? White, blue, red White, green,
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Which three colours make up the Lithuanian flag? White, blue, red White, green, red Yellow, green, red

№ слайда 8 Yellow, green, red
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Yellow, green, red

№ слайда 9 What is the name of the river you see from Paris most famous landmark the Eiffel
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What is the name of the river you see from Paris most famous landmark the Eiffel Tower? Rhine The Seine River Tyne

№ слайда 10 The Seine
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The Seine

№ слайда 11 With 7 victories, which of the following countries has won Eurovision the most n
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With 7 victories, which of the following countries has won Eurovision the most number of times? Ireland Greeсe Sweden

№ слайда 12 Ireland
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№ слайда 13 Which of the three Baltic States is the only country in the world to have its ow
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Which of the three Baltic States is the only country in the world to have its own national fragrance? Lithuania Latvia Estonia

№ слайда 14 Lithuania
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№ слайда 15 Perfume Lithuania Lithuania is pioneering a new type of national symbol -  perfu
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Perfume Lithuania Lithuania is pioneering a new type of national symbol -  perfume.  “We wanted to create something special to represent Lithuania Lithuanian and character, “ said expert, who had the idea of the project.

№ слайда 16 Perfume” Lithuania “will be, therefore, a scientist mixing sandalwood, cedar and
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Perfume” Lithuania “will be, therefore, a scientist mixing sandalwood, cedar and musk , aiming to be an allusion to Lithuanian language Indo-European origin and the strength of national character. “For Lithuanians to recognize the fragrance, I added fragrance firewood, which may be associated with pagan rituals, and the moss and flowers of the forest.” Аромат «Lithuania» - это смесь тонов сандалового дерева, кедра и мускуса, которые отражают индоевропейское происхождение литовского языка и силу литовского характера. А чтобы литовцы ассоциировали себя с композицией, в неё добавлены оттенки костров, которые напоминают о языческих ритуалах, а также тона мха и диких цветов.

№ слайда 17 Which country is the famous playwright Henrique Ibsen (1828-1906) from? Finland
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Which country is the famous playwright Henrique Ibsen (1828-1906) from? Finland Malta Norway

№ слайда 18 Norway
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