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Презентация на тему: James Blunt

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Презентация на тему: James Blunt

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№ слайда 1 Presentation about the greatest singer James Blunt form 7-2 Shcherbakova Svetlan
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Presentation about the greatest singer James Blunt form 7-2 Shcherbakova Svetlana

№ слайда 2 James Blunt Was born in 1974, 22 of February in Great Britain. When he was young
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James Blunt Was born in 1974, 22 of February in Great Britain. When he was young he was good in playing the guitar. He started to write his own songs.

№ слайда 3 Appearance Now he is 37 years old. His appearance is not very bright as like ano
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Appearance Now he is 37 years old. His appearance is not very bright as like another famous and rich singers. He has short curly hair, a long straight nose, thick eyebrows, blue shiny eyes, white teeth. He is slender and James has a small beard.

№ слайда 4 His career James Blunt left army to become a singer. In 2002 he created his firs
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His career James Blunt left army to become a singer. In 2002 he created his first album. It was success. He met with a lot of famous people : Linda Perry, Pink, Christina Aguilera. Afterwards he had a contract with a studio Custard Records. James Blunt has a good career, he is very popular today.

№ слайда 5 Blunt`s songs I love his songs very much. He has a great deal of good songs, for
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Blunt`s songs I love his songs very much. He has a great deal of good songs, for example, “Goodbye me lover”, “I`ll be your man”, “High”, “Carry you home”, “1973”, and the greatest work of this excellent man “ You`re Beautiful”.

№ слайда 6 James is a believer. Some of his songs is about his religion views. For example,
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James is a believer. Some of his songs is about his religion views. For example, “Tears and Rain”. This song about the death. How I wish I could choose between Heaven and hell. How I wish I'd save my soul I'm so cold from fear.

№ слайда 7 When James Blunt sing the song “Goodbye my lover” he has tears on his face. This
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When James Blunt sing the song “Goodbye my lover” he has tears on his face. This song was wrote in honor of his girlfriend. He loved her very much. She died in accident. Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend. You have been the one. You have been the one for me…

№ слайда 8 Singing is not the only Blunt`s talent. He is good in sport. James good in playi
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Singing is not the only Blunt`s talent. He is good in sport. James good in playing football. I respect this singer for his hobby! (His favorite football club is “Chelsea F.C.” )

№ слайда 9
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№ слайда 10 Thank You for Watching !!!
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Thank You for Watching !!!

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