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Главная / Английский язык / Unit 8 Do you like traveling
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Презентация на тему: Unit 8 Do you like traveling

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Презентация на тему: Unit 8 Do you like traveling

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№ слайда 1 Unit 8 Do you like traveling
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Unit 8 Do you like traveling

№ слайда 2 Traveling sayings Travel broadens the mind. He that travels far, knows much. He
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Traveling sayings Travel broadens the mind. He that travels far, knows much. He who does not travel will not know the value of men. Nothing is so necessary for travelers as ...

№ слайда 3 I. warming up questions ( whole class, 15min) Do you like travel? which places h
Описание слайда:

I. warming up questions ( whole class, 15min) Do you like travel? which places have you ever visited? In what way would you like to travel? Why? Which one would you prefer, traveling domestically or traveling abroad ? Where do you like to stay when you are travelling? What activities do you enjoy? Which don’t you like to do? How can you benefit from travelling?

№ слайда 4 Tips 1) I like places such as /xi’an/ kunming (lijiang, dian lake, xishuangbanna
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Tips 1) I like places such as /xi’an/ kunming (lijiang, dian lake, xishuangbanna/stone forest)/ Tibet/ Turpan/urumqi/puto mountain/ Beijing/ guilin/ //.by bus/ by car/ by train/ by plane/ by ship/on foot/hitchhike/ ( quick, cheap, exciting, thrilling, terrific/amazing/ fantastic/ incredible/ convenient safe..) 2) in hotel, camp, friends’ house, in mountains, in ship…, 3) try new food/ go shopping/ take photos/visit relatives, historic and scenic spots , attend festival, / breathe fresh sea air, looking at boundless sea/ climbing mountains/ rafting/ canoeing, go on a safari..

№ слайда 5 II. Activity 1 ( in pairs 30 min ) Create a dialog with your partner by followin
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II. Activity 1 ( in pairs 30 min ) Create a dialog with your partner by following the situations, role- play the dialog in front of the class. Situation : you and your friend are talking about destination for the summer vacation. maybe You want to go to the sea side ( such as Hainan,Xiamen)and enjoy the luxury of a stay there, while your friend is interested in history and culture and suggests going to Tibet or Xi’an.. A. Show B the brochures you got from travel agencies and ask him/ her what his/ her holiday destination is. B. Give your opinion of the places in the brochures. Show your preference. Say you prefer to visit …. Give your opinion of B’s plan. Try to justify your choice.

№ слайда 6 Here is the brochure provided by the travel agency ( select the places where you
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Here is the brochure provided by the travel agency ( select the places where you would like to/ where you would stay while you are there/ what activities you would like to enjoy there) Beijing In Beijing see the Great Wall of China, the longest man-made object in the world.--- Tour the Forbidden City -----Walk through Tian An Men Square,---- see the Ming Tomb burial grounds for the 13 emperors of the Ming Dynasty... Xi'an the cradle of Chinese civilization. In Xian (pronounced She-ann) see the more than 6,000 life-size terra-cotta warriors and horses recently excavated from the tomb of the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty. Guilin   Take a Li River day cruise to experience the magical beauty of the limestone rock formations and farmland commonly seen in Chinese landscape paintings==. The Li River, Limestone caves, Elephant Hill, and the pure beauty of this area are all attraction of Guilin. Shanghai   view the harbor from Huangpu Park ----- visit the Jade Buddha Temple featuring two huge Buddha statues carved out of a single piece of white Jade.----Oriental pearl

№ слайда 7 Extraordinary Tibetan Adventures Tibet Adventures allow you to experience the wa
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Extraordinary Tibetan Adventures Tibet Adventures allow you to experience the way of life, culture, history, and spectacular scenery unique to this part of China. It is said that visiting Tibet, the "Roof of the World", is as much a state of mind as a destination. Tours include cities such as Lhasa known as the "City of the Sun" and Xigaze (Shigatze) where you will see beautiful palaces and cliff top monasteries. Attend colorful bazaars and relax in the beautiful Himalayan Mountains of Tibetan China. The Ancient Silk Road of China Silk Road tours allow you to step back into the 13th century as you visit the cities of the legendary silk traders and monks. Travel through deserts where silk traders have traveled for thousands of years. You can discover the ancient mysteries of the Silk Road including bazaars where merchants haggle over camels and carpets, where you can meet the nomadic minorities of China, and attend music, dance and artistic performances. Hong Kong   the transport network is excellent, the shopping centres are sublime, and the temples and quiet corners of parks are contemplative oases. Macau   traditional Chinese temples, a spectacular ruined cathedral, pastel villas, old forts and islands that once harboured pirates. A slew of musuems will tell you how it all came about.

№ слайда 8 Useful expressions 宾至如归 just be at home; feel at home 天堂之旅 a trip to the
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Useful expressions 宾至如归 just be at home; feel at home 天堂之旅 a trip to the paradise; explore the paradise 人迹罕至 The Unbeaten Track 远离尘嚣 a true departure; an escape from the bustling 全新感受 a novel experience 耳目一新 a new perspective 动感之都 a city in move 活力北京 kicking beijing 世界之都 the world city 东方之珠 the oriental pearl 文化之都 the city of culture 醉在贵州 intoxicated in Guizhou 食在广州 food in Guangzhou 味在成都 delicacies in Chengdu 精英之都 the city of elites 大众之城 the city of commoners 纯真世界 a true escape 东方独秀 like no other place in the orient 超乎想象 beyond your imagination 久负盛名 long established/ 卓越不俗 excellent but not fancy

№ слайда 9 Functional expressions ( preference and advice) Likes and preference I do like /
Описание слайда:

Functional expressions ( preference and advice) Likes and preference I do like / I’d like / I enjoy / I Love / I’d much prefer / I’m keen on / I’m interested in / I’m fond of / It’s lovely / nice / great / marvelous to.. / I prefer..to / I prefer doing.. to doing… / I’d prefer to do . than to do… / I’d rather do… than do… Advice: Why don’t you..? / what/ how about …? / you’d better/ we are wondering if you’d like to… / we would be delighted if you could / we had thought of ... if that would be convenient / we’ll hope you’ll be able to… / would it be a perfect place for you to…? / Have you ever thought of… / Might it be a good idea to… / Don’t you think it might be a good idea to/If I Were you, I’d… / Why don’t you..?

№ слайда 10 Part B. Travelling around the world I. Listening acvity (whole class ) 1) Look a
Описание слайда:

Part B. Travelling around the world I. Listening acvity (whole class ) 1) Look at the pictures in page 30 and try to guess the locations, at the same time , you are going to hear some clues about each place in the pictures, use your general knowledge to come up with the country 2) listen and Write down the clues of the other three countries and try to guess the names of the countries.

№ слайда 11 II. Activity 2 ( work in groups of four) Every group will get a picture of a for
Описание слайда:

II. Activity 2 ( work in groups of four) Every group will get a picture of a foreign country from me ,based on the pictures, try to develop at least four clues of the country ( such as position, weather , capital, historic scenic, famous person, culture and customs etc .) After discussing ten minutes, every group will take the picture to the blackboard and ask the class to guess which country they are describing ( every student will report at least one clue , if they can’t guess, go on to describe until anyone can guess) e.g It’s is a rich country in north America It shares the border with Canada Niagara falls is very famous in this country Now it’s suffering a economic depression …

№ слайда 12 III. Homework Work in dormitory. Two of you should look at task 6 on page 78, an
Описание слайда:

III. Homework Work in dormitory. Two of you should look at task 6 on page 78, and the other two at task 20 on page 83. you are going to describe some other places.

№ слайда 13 United States (New York & San Francisco )
Описание слайда:

United States (New York & San Francisco )

№ слайда 14 France (Paris) Famous sightseeing : Musée du Louvre Eiffel Tower Avenue des Cham
Описание слайда:

France (Paris) Famous sightseeing : Musée du Louvre Eiffel Tower Avenue des Champs-élysées Notre Dame Sainte Chapelle

№ слайда 15 Italy * sunshine and a mild Mediterranean climate. * Rome is the capital and lar
Описание слайда:

Italy * sunshine and a mild Mediterranean climate. * Rome is the capital and largest city of it * it is bordered by Switzerland and Austria on the north; by Slovenia and the Adriatic Sea, on the east; by the Ionian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, on the south; on the west by the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Ligurian Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea; and on the northwest by France. * Venice, a magic place, is located in a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea and is built on islands linked by more than 400 bridges.  All transportation is by boat or on foot.   Venice s most famous vehicles are gondolas, which drift slowly through the city s famed canals as the men steering the boats serenade passengers with arias from Italian operas.

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