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Презентация на тему: Презентация по английскому языку на тему"Санкт-ПЕ=етербург"

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Презентация на тему: Презентация по английскому языку на тему"Санкт-ПЕ=етербург"

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PROJECT “THE BEST OF ALL POSSIBLE WORLDS. ST.PETERSBURG” Выполнил: Бутурлакина Ж. 10 класс Учитель: Романовская С.И.

№ слайда 2 One of the world's most beautiful cities in the world is St. Petersburg
Описание слайда:

One of the world's most beautiful cities in the world is St. Petersburg

№ слайда 3 St. Petersburg has an excellent situation. It is located on the coast of the Gul
Описание слайда:

St. Petersburg has an excellent situation. It is located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland

№ слайда 4 To the southwest of the city stands the Izhora Hills. To the north of Primorsky
Описание слайда:

To the southwest of the city stands the Izhora Hills. To the north of Primorsky Vuoksinskie Ozerny area. These places are picturesque at any time of the year and attract a lot of tourists.

№ слайда 5 St.Petersburg is famous for its white nights.
Описание слайда:

St.Petersburg is famous for its white nights.

№ слайда 6 Different festivals take place at this time. It has also been a tradition for gr
Описание слайда:

Different festivals take place at this time. It has also been a tradition for graduates to celebrate their graduation and make marry in the night city.

№ слайда 7 St. Petersburg is a cultural centre. There are over 80 museums, more than 20 the
Описание слайда:

St. Petersburg is a cultural centre. There are over 80 museums, more than 20 theatres, a lot of exhibitions, clubs, universities, colleges, schools and parks..

№ слайда 8 The weather is not very good here. It is unpredictable, sometimes windy and rain
Описание слайда:

The weather is not very good here. It is unpredictable, sometimes windy and rainy.

№ слайда 9 St.Petersburg is very famous for its places of interest. The State Hermitage Mus
Описание слайда:

St.Petersburg is very famous for its places of interest. The State Hermitage Museum is the largest art museum in the world. There one can see masterpieces of outstanding artists: Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Rembrandt, Velazquez and other unique works of art. .

№ слайда 10 The first Russian museum is the Peter and Paul Fortress
Описание слайда:

The first Russian museum is the Peter and Paul Fortress

№ слайда 11 Grand Peterhof Palace attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world.
Описание слайда:

Grand Peterhof Palace attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world.

№ слайда 12 The Catherine Palace is named after Catherine I, the wife of Peter the Great
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The Catherine Palace is named after Catherine I, the wife of Peter the Great

№ слайда 13 Starting in 1743, the building was reconstructed by four different architects
Описание слайда:

Starting in 1743, the building was reconstructed by four different architects

№ слайда 14 Saviour on Spilled Blood
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Saviour on Spilled Blood

№ слайда 15 This marvelous Russian-style church was built on the spot where Emperor Alexande
Описание слайда:

This marvelous Russian-style church was built on the spot where Emperor Alexander II was assassinated in March 1881.

№ слайда 16 Smolny Convent
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Smolny Convent

№ слайда 17
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 18 Saint Isaac's Cathedral decorates St. Petersburg.
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Saint Isaac's Cathedral decorates St. Petersburg.

№ слайда 19 The Summer garden is the oldest and the most fascinating park. Rare trees, bushe
Описание слайда:

The Summer garden is the oldest and the most fascinating park. Rare trees, bushes and flowers grow there. Beautiful marble statues made by Italian sculptors and a famous cast iron grille decorate the Summer Garden. There is a bronze monument to the prominent Russian writer of fables Ivan Krylov (by sculptor Klodt) in the Summer Garden.

№ слайда 20 Citizens and tourists enjoy visiting the suburbs of St Petersburg: Petergof, Pus
Описание слайда:

Citizens and tourists enjoy visiting the suburbs of St Petersburg: Petergof, Pushkin, Pavlovsk with their wonderful palaces, parks and fountains.

№ слайда 21 It was in Saint Petersburg that the tradition to number streets appeared. One st
Описание слайда:

It was in Saint Petersburg that the tradition to number streets appeared. One still can find 5th Line or 27th Line on Vasilyevsky Island. Line is one side of the street. Vasilyevsky Island.

№ слайда 22 The city is often called the Venice of the North because there are 65 rivers and
Описание слайда:

The city is often called the Venice of the North because there are 65 rivers and canals with artistically decorated cast iron bridges.

№ слайда 23 Anichkov Bridge is one of the architectural highlights of Nevsky Prospekt.
Описание слайда:

Anichkov Bridge is one of the architectural highlights of Nevsky Prospekt.

№ слайда 24 People all over the world know that far north in Russia is the city of Saint Pet
Описание слайда:

People all over the world know that far north in Russia is the city of Saint Petersburg. Many of those who once visited the city liked it and want to be there again because St. Petersburg charms and entices in every season.

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