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Презентация на тему: Canada

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Презентация на тему: Canada

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№ слайда 3 The first flag known to have flown in Canada was the St George's Cross&nbsp
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The first flag known to have flown in Canada was the St George's Cross carried by John Cabot when he reached Newfoundland in 1497. In 1534, Jacques Cartier planted a cross in Gaspé bearing the French royal coat of arms with the fleurs-de-lis. His ship flew a red flag with a white cross, the French naval flag at the time. New France continued to fly the evolving French military flags of that period The first flag known to have flown in Canada was the St George's Cross carried by John Cabot when he reached Newfoundland in 1497. In 1534, Jacques Cartier planted a cross in Gaspé bearing the French royal coat of arms with the fleurs-de-lis. His ship flew a red flag with a white cross, the French naval flag at the time. New France continued to fly the evolving French military flags of that period

№ слайда 4 For nearly a century Canada had no distinctive national flag. Each time Canadian
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For nearly a century Canada had no distinctive national flag. Each time Canadians suggested a new symbol to replace the Canadian Red Ensign, modeled after a British naval flag, there was controversy. Maple leaves, beavers, crosses, crowns — propositions that went nowhere. In 1964 Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson said he'd introduce a new national flag. But Opposition leader John Diefenbaker and the Royal Canadian Legion wanted to stick with the Red Ensign. Everyone had an opinion before Canada finally chose the red and white flag with the maple leaf. For nearly a century Canada had no distinctive national flag. Each time Canadians suggested a new symbol to replace the Canadian Red Ensign, modeled after a British naval flag, there was controversy. Maple leaves, beavers, crosses, crowns — propositions that went nowhere. In 1964 Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson said he'd introduce a new national flag. But Opposition leader John Diefenbaker and the Royal Canadian Legion wanted to stick with the Red Ensign. Everyone had an opinion before Canada finally chose the red and white flag with the maple leaf.

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№ слайда 8 The Flag The Flag Canadian Colours: Red and white are the official colours of Ca
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The Flag The Flag Canadian Colours: Red and white are the official colours of Canada. They were designated Canada's official colours by King George V on 21 November, 1921, in the proclamation of the Royal Arms of Canada. The Great Seal of Canada: The Great Seal of Canada is used on all state documents such as proclamations and commissions of cabinet ministers, senators, judges and senior government officials.

№ слайда 9 The Maple Leaf and Tree: The maple leaf is Canada's most prominent symbol, recog
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The Maple Leaf and Tree: The maple leaf is Canada's most prominent symbol, recognized as Canadian all around the world. According to many historians, the maple leaf began to serve as a Canadian symbol as early as 1700. The maple tree was officially proclaimed the national arboreal emblem of Canada on 25 April, 1996. The Maple Leaf and Tree: The maple leaf is Canada's most prominent symbol, recognized as Canadian all around the world. According to many historians, the maple leaf began to serve as a Canadian symbol as early as 1700. The maple tree was officially proclaimed the national arboreal emblem of Canada on 25 April, 1996. The Beaver

№ слайда 10 New Brunswick New Brunswick
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New Brunswick New Brunswick

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№ слайда 12 Nunavut Nunavut
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Nunavut Nunavut

№ слайда 13 The explorer depicted in the image is Jacques Cartier . The explorer depicted in
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The explorer depicted in the image is Jacques Cartier . The explorer depicted in the image is Jacques Cartier . The Huron-Iroquois word for «village» or «settlement» was kanata. The first use of "Canada" as an official name came in 1791 when the Province of Quebec was divided into the colonies of Upper and Lower Canada.

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№ слайда 15 Thank You for Attention!
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Thank You for Attention!

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