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Презентация на тему: Michelangelo Buonarroti

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Презентация на тему: Michelangelo Buonarroti

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№ слайда 1 Interesting facts Michelangelo's father marks the date as 6 March 1474 in the Fl
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Interesting facts Michelangelo's father marks the date as 6 March 1474 in the Florentine manner ab Incarnatione. However, in the Roman manner, ab Nativitate, it is 1475.b. Sources disagree on the point: how old Michelangelo was when he went to school. De Tolnay writes that he was ten years old while Sedgwick notes in her translation of Condivi that Michelangelo was seven.The Strozzi family acquired the sculpture Hercules. Filippo Strozzi sold it to Francis I in 1529. In 1594, Henry IV installed it in the Jardin d'Estang at Fontainebleau where it disappeared in 1713 when the Jardin d'Estange was destroyed.Vasari makes no mention of this episode and Paolo Giovio's Life of Michelangelo indicates that Michelangelo tried to pass the statue as an antique .

№ слайда 2 Plan1. General information2. Sistine Chapel ceiling3. Madonna with Jesus4. Inter
Описание слайда:

Plan1. General information2. Sistine Chapel ceiling3. Madonna with Jesus4. Interesting facts

№ слайда 3 1475-1564General informationMichelangelo was born on 6 March 1475 in Caprese nea
Описание слайда:

1475-1564General informationMichelangelo was born on 6 March 1475 in Caprese near Arezzo.His father worked as a Judicial administratorHe was the best pupil in a painters schoolMichelangelo's father sent him to study grammar with the Humanist Francesco da Urbino in Florence as a young boy. The young artist, however, showed no interest in his schooling, preferring to copy paintings from churches and seek the company of painters

№ слайда 4 Sistine Chapel ceiling1508-1512
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Sistine Chapel ceiling1508-1512

№ слайда 5 Madonna with JesusWas made in 1499 when sculptor was 24 years old
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Madonna with JesusWas made in 1499 when sculptor was 24 years old

№ слайда 6 Interesting factsMichelangelo's father marks the date as 6 March 1474 in the Flo
Описание слайда:

Interesting factsMichelangelo's father marks the date as 6 March 1474 in the Florentine manner ab Incarnatione. However, in the Roman manner, ab Nativitate, it is 1475.b. Sources disagree on the point: how old Michelangelo was when he went to school. De Tolnay writes that he was ten years old while Sedgwick notes in her translation of Condivi that Michelangelo was seven.The Strozzi family acquired the sculpture Hercules. Filippo Strozzi sold it to Francis I in 1529. In 1594, Henry IV installed it in the Jardin d'Estang at Fontainebleau where it disappeared in 1713 when the Jardin d'Estange was destroyed.Vasari makes no mention of this episode and Paolo Giovio's Life of Michelangelo indicates that Michelangelo tried to pass the statue as an antique .

№ слайда 7 Presentation made by Naumova Kate9 a
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Presentation made by Naumova Kate9 a

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