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Презентация на тему: тютчев

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Презентация на тему: тютчев

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№ слайда 1 Bolshaya Lubanka Глобу Даниела
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Bolshaya Lubanka Глобу Даниела

№ слайда 2 Street there was on the way from Moscow to the Holy Trinity Monastery, where she
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Street there was on the way from Moscow to the Holy Trinity Monastery, where she served as the beginning. Here lived merchants and craftsmen in the 18 century it began to be erected and the House of nobility. A fire in 1812 did not affect the street. In the 19 century it began to gain commercial and business form, instead of the previous little houses here were built a lot of tall stone houses, but as a rule, a strict and modest appearance.

№ слайда 3 In the mid-19th century Sretenka was divided into two parts, part of the Bouleva
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In the mid-19th century Sretenka was divided into two parts, part of the Boulevard Ring to Sukharevskaya Sretenka area retained the name, and the part from the center to the Boulevard Ring, where is located the Sretensky Monastery, was named Bolshaya Lubyanka. In 1926 the street was renamed in honor of Felix Dzerzhinsky in 1991 - returned to the historical name

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