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Презентация на тему: Времена года

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Презентация на тему: Времена года

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№ слайда 1 Сычева Ольга Михайловна, учитель английского языка ГОУ СОШ №1168 г.Москвы SEASON
Описание слайда:

Сычева Ольга Михайловна, учитель английского языка ГОУ СОШ №1168 г.Москвы SEASONS

№ слайда 2 S e a s o s n
Описание слайда:

S e a s o s n

№ слайда 3 Autumn Winter Spring Summer
Описание слайда:

Autumn Winter Spring Summer

№ слайда 4 Autumn
Описание слайда:


№ слайда 5 Find autumn words Novembertreebonfirewindcloudskiteleavesrain
Описание слайда:

Find autumn words Novembertreebonfirewindcloudskiteleavesrain

№ слайда 6 Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word.
Описание слайда:

Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word. C_ouds Tre_ _utumn No_ember Kit_ _eptember Autumn word L_ _ _ _ _

№ слайда 7 Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word.
Описание слайда:

Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word. Clouds Tre_ _utumn No_ember Kit_ _eptember Autumn word L_ _ _ _ _

№ слайда 8 Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word.
Описание слайда:

Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word. Clouds Tree _utumn No_ember Kit_ _eptember Autumn word L_ _ _ _ _

№ слайда 9 Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word.
Описание слайда:

Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word. Clouds Tree Autumn No_ember Kit_ _eptember Autumn word L_ _ _ _ _

№ слайда 10 Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word.
Описание слайда:

Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word. Clouds Tree Autumn November Kit_ _eptember Autumn word L_ _ _ _ _

№ слайда 11 Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word.
Описание слайда:

Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word. Clouds Tree Autumn November Kite _eptember Autumn word L_ _ _ _ _

№ слайда 12 Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word.
Описание слайда:

Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word. Clouds Tree Autumn November Kite September Autumn word L_ _ _ _ _

№ слайда 13 Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word.
Описание слайда:

Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word. Clouds Tree Autumn November Kite September Autumn word L E A V E S

№ слайда 14 Winter
Описание слайда:


№ слайда 15 Write the letters in the correct order. N a m w o n s L l a b w o n s E k a l f
Описание слайда:

Write the letters in the correct order. N a m w o n s L l a b w o n s E k a l f w o n s S e t a k s e c I Y r a u n a j R e b m e c e d T e r w i n

№ слайда 16 Write the letters in the correct order. S n o w m a n L l a b w o n s E k a l f
Описание слайда:

Write the letters in the correct order. S n o w m a n L l a b w o n s E k a l f w o n s S e t a k s e c I Y r a u n a j R e b m e c e d T e r w i n

№ слайда 17 Write the letters in the correct order. S n o w m a n S n o w b a l l E k a l f
Описание слайда:

Write the letters in the correct order. S n o w m a n S n o w b a l l E k a l f w o n s S e t a k s e c I Y r a u n a j R e b m e c e d T e r w i n

№ слайда 18 Write the letters in the correct order. S n o w m a n S n o w b a l l S n o w f
Описание слайда:

Write the letters in the correct order. S n o w m a n S n o w b a l l S n o w f l a k e S e t a k s e c I Y r a u n a j R e b m e c e d T e r w i n

№ слайда 19 Write the letters in the correct order. S n o w m a n S n o w b a l l S n o w f
Описание слайда:

Write the letters in the correct order. S n o w m a n S n o w b a l l S n o w f l a k e I c e s k a t e Y r a u n a j R e b m e c e d T e r w i n

№ слайда 20 Write the letters in the correct order. S n o w m a n S n o w b a l l S n o w f
Описание слайда:

Write the letters in the correct order. S n o w m a n S n o w b a l l S n o w f l a k e I c e s k a t e J a n u a r y R e b m e c e d T e r w i n

№ слайда 21 Write the letters in the correct order. S n o w m a n S n o w b a l l S n o w f
Описание слайда:

Write the letters in the correct order. S n o w m a n S n o w b a l l S n o w f l a k e I c e s k a t e J a n u a r y D e c e m b e r T e r w i n

№ слайда 22 Write the letters in the correct order. S n o w m a n S n o w b a l l S n o w f
Описание слайда:

Write the letters in the correct order. S n o w m a n S n o w b a l l S n o w f l a k e I c e s k a t e J a n u a r y D e c e m b e r W i n t e r

№ слайда 23 Spring
Описание слайда:


№ слайда 24 Guess the spring words C C R R S F
Описание слайда:

Guess the spring words C C R R S F

№ слайда 25 Write questions for the answers. 1) Yes, it’s windy today. 2) It’s cloudy and ra
Описание слайда:

Write questions for the answers. 1) Yes, it’s windy today. 2) It’s cloudy and rainy. 3) Spring.

№ слайда 26 Write questions for the answers. 1) Is it windy today? 2) It’s cloudy and rainy.
Описание слайда:

Write questions for the answers. 1) Is it windy today? 2) It’s cloudy and rainy. 3) Spring.

№ слайда 27 Write questions for the answers. 1) Is it windy today? 2) What’s the weather lik
Описание слайда:

Write questions for the answers. 1) Is it windy today? 2) What’s the weather like today? 3) Spring.

№ слайда 28 Write questions for the answers. 1) Is it windy today? 2) What’s the weather lik
Описание слайда:

Write questions for the answers. 1) Is it windy today? 2) What’s the weather like today? 3) What season is it?

№ слайда 29 Summer
Описание слайда:


№ слайда 30 Word groups Find the odd one out. 1 autumn, spring, summer, weather 2 rainy, noi
Описание слайда:

Word groups Find the odd one out. 1 autumn, spring, summer, weather 2 rainy, noisy, snowy, windy 3 beach, surfboard, snowflake, seaside 4 golden, brown, yellow, leaf

№ слайда 31 Word groups Find the odd one out. 1 autumn, spring, summer, weather 2 rainy, noi
Описание слайда:

Word groups Find the odd one out. 1 autumn, spring, summer, weather 2 rainy, noisy, snowy, windy 3 beach, surfboard, snowflake, seaside 4 golden, brown, yellow, leaf

№ слайда 32 Word groups Find the odd one out. 1 autumn, spring, summer, weather 2 rainy, noi
Описание слайда:

Word groups Find the odd one out. 1 autumn, spring, summer, weather 2 rainy, noisy, snowy, windy 3 beach, surfboard, snowflake, seaside 4 golden, brown, yellow, leaf

№ слайда 33 Word groups Find the odd one out. 1 autumn, spring, summer, weather 2 rainy, noi
Описание слайда:

Word groups Find the odd one out. 1 autumn, spring, summer, weather 2 rainy, noisy, snowy, windy 3 beach, surfboard, snowflake, seaside 4 golden, brown, yellow, leaf

№ слайда 34 Word groups Find the odd one out. 1 autumn, spring, summer, weather 2 rainy, noi
Описание слайда:

Word groups Find the odd one out. 1 autumn, spring, summer, weather 2 rainy, noisy, snowy, windy 3 beach, surfboard, snowflake, seaside 4 golden, brown, yellow, leaf

№ слайда 35 S u m m e r
Описание слайда:

S u m m e r

№ слайда 36 Используемая литература и интернет – ресурсы: Учебное пособие: Friends, Starter,
Описание слайда:

Используемая литература и интернет – ресурсы: Учебное пособие: Friends, Starter, Carol Skinner http://pixelbrush.ru/ http://www.clker.com/

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