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Презентация на тему: Velikoe

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Презентация на тему: Velikoe

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№ слайда 1 Velikoe English language course 10th form
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Velikoe English language course 10th form

№ слайда 2 Velikoe Our village Velikoe has a great history. In 1712 the Poltav’s battle too
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Velikoe Our village Velikoe has a great history. In 1712 the Poltav’s battle took place here. In this battle the Russian fought against the Swedes. After this battle Peter 1 presented the village to A.I.Repnin.

№ слайда 3 Architectural sights The Virgin’s Christmas Temple was built in 1712 in honour o
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Architectural sights The Virgin’s Christmas Temple was built in 1712 in honour of victory in the Poltav’s battle (by order of A.I.Repnin). Crowds of people went to the Temple on holidays to pray. Now the temple is being restored.

№ слайда 4 Architectural sights Another Church – the Virgin’s protection Church – was built
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Architectural sights Another Church – the Virgin’s protection Church – was built by the grandson of Field Marshal, P.I.Repnin, in 1741. In 1758 between these two temples the Cathedral bell tower was set up, with the famous symbol “the Window into Europe”.

№ слайда 5 Velikoe – a “great” village The name “Velikoe” comes from the Russian word “вели
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Velikoe – a “great” village The name “Velikoe” comes from the Russian word “великий” – “great, big” in English, because Velikoe was a big trading centre. In the 19th century this great factory village became famous as a flax industry centre.

№ слайда 6 The Karnowich’s family The Karnowich’s family played an important role in the de
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The Karnowich’s family The Karnowich’s family played an important role in the developing of the village. In 1844 E.S.Karnowich organized the first flax-works selling exhibition in Velikoe. Since that time such exhibitions took place here every year. Lots of people from other provinces took part there.

№ слайда 7 Lokalov’s house A.V.Lokalov made a valuable contribution to development of Velik
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Lokalov’s house A.V.Lokalov made a valuable contribution to development of Velikoe. He was a great person, who founded one of the first and the most famous flax-mills in Russia. Thanks to him the Russian flax have got admission abroad. Lokalov lived in Velikoe. This picturesque moulding was created inside his house more than 100 years ago in 1888-1890.

№ слайда 8 The Grotto of Lokalov’s house Now Velikoselsky Children’s home is situated there
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The Grotto of Lokalov’s house Now Velikoselsky Children’s home is situated there, but a part of Lokalov’s house is taken up by his museum. The most unique fragment of the interior of this building is a room-grotto, imitating a small cave, with white stalactites.

№ слайда 9 Rural Museum We are proud of the museum in which many interesting and old things
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Rural Museum We are proud of the museum in which many interesting and old things are kept. There are many trivialities in the museum but they are very important for the history of Velikoe, ancient and still very beautiful flax works, of course.

№ слайда 10 Our school Our school is one of the oldest buildings in Velikoe. It is 141 years
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Our school Our school is one of the oldest buildings in Velikoe. It is 141 years old. The school has its own symbols, a library, well settled classrooms, a sports ground and its own museum. Our school is an experimental one in the educational area. Many famous people studied here.

№ слайда 11 N.I.Trufanov The first memorial table on the school… N.I.Trufanov studied at our
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N.I.Trufanov The first memorial table on the school… N.I.Trufanov studied at our school. He took part in the Second World War, became a general, commanded an army. There is a street in Velikoe, named in his honour.

№ слайда 12 K.S.Kornev Our school is proud of him… K.S.Kornev was born in Plescheevo, but st
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K.S.Kornev Our school is proud of him… K.S.Kornev was born in Plescheevo, but studied in school in Velikoe… He became a minister of reclamation and water economy of Russia. He worked out a project of water system using for Finland and other countries. K.S.Kornev was awarded with great orders and medals.

№ слайда 13 B.P.Beschev B.P.Beschev – an outstanding school graduator… B.Beschev studied ver
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B.P.Beschev B.P.Beschev – an outstanding school graduator… B.Beschev studied very well and was fond of football. When he was 8, his parents died. B.P.Beschev became the minister of transport routs and it was his own achievement. Nowadays every year football matches for B.P.Beschev’s cup took place in Velikoe.

№ слайда 14 V.N.Naumov V.N.Naumov was a brave navigator-pilot… Hero of the Soviet Union…In t
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V.N.Naumov V.N.Naumov was a brave navigator-pilot… Hero of the Soviet Union…In the Second World War he made 300 fighting flights. He helped partisans, sent them arms and medicaments. In 2006 a memorial table to V.N.Naumov was set up on the school.

№ слайда 15 K.I.Kashin K.I.Kashin was born in 1911 in Velikoe. He was fond of Maths, Sience
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K.I.Kashin K.I.Kashin was born in 1911 in Velikoe. He was fond of Maths, Sience and…football. K.I.Kashin became a professor, a doctor of Geography, a scientist of hydrometeorology. He worked out the forecasting methods of dangerous forests’ fires. In 2006 a memorial table to K.I.Kashin was set up on the school.

№ слайда 16 School museum “Swetyolka” Our school has its own museum. It was built by the stu
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School museum “Swetyolka” Our school has its own museum. It was built by the students from the school. The girls made the interior decorations of the museum. The most of them are of flax. The “masters” of “Swetyolka” receive guests here. Many tourists come to Velikoe to enjoy their performance, to visit the museums and to entertain.

№ слайда 17 Natural sights The nature of our village is very beatiful. There are 3 natural p
Описание слайда:

Natural sights The nature of our village is very beatiful. There are 3 natural ponds in Velikoe: the Black pond, the White pond and the Red pond. Old lime parks make the village very attractive for tourists. Velikoe is a work of parks’ and ponds’ art from the 18th century.

№ слайда 18 Thank you for attention!
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Thank you for attention!

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