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Презентация на тему: Travelling Seeing the sights

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Презентация на тему: Travelling Seeing the sights

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№ слайда 1 Travelling Seeing the sights
Описание слайда:

Travelling Seeing the sights

№ слайда 2 Safari park Historic building festival Amusement park Place of natural beauty
Описание слайда:

Safari park Historic building festival Amusement park Place of natural beauty

№ слайда 3 Safari park Historic building festival Amusement park Place of natural beauty
Описание слайда:

Safari park Historic building festival Amusement park Place of natural beauty

№ слайда 4 Safari park Historic building festival Amusement park Place of natural beauty
Описание слайда:

Safari park Historic building festival Amusement park Place of natural beauty

№ слайда 5 Safari park Historic building festival Amusement park Place of natural beauty
Описание слайда:

Safari park Historic building festival Amusement park Place of natural beauty

№ слайда 6 Safari park Historic building festival Amusement park Place of natural beauty
Описание слайда:

Safari park Historic building festival Amusement park Place of natural beauty

№ слайда 7 Reorder the words to make sentences Have never been to, Disney Land, yet, I woul
Описание слайда:

Reorder the words to make sentences Have never been to, Disney Land, yet, I would like to, but, I I have never been to Disney Land yet, but I would like to

№ слайда 8 Reorder the words to make sentences a lot of , buildings, there are, in Saint-Pe
Описание слайда:

Reorder the words to make sentences a lot of , buildings, there are, in Saint-Petersburg, among them, is, historical, Saint Isaack Cathedral There are a lot of historical buildings in Saint-Petersburg, Saint Isaack Cathedral is among them

№ слайда 9 Reorder the words to make sentences Safari parks, a very good way of, are, it se
Описание слайда:

Reorder the words to make sentences Safari parks, a very good way of, are, it seems to me, animals, saving, that, from extinction It seems to me that safari parks are a very good way of saving animals from extinction

№ слайда 10 Reorder the words to make sentences a chance, I would like to, all, if, I, would
Описание слайда:

Reorder the words to make sentences a chance, I would like to, all, if, I, would-famous, festivals, had, visit If I had a chance I would like to visit all would-famous festivals

№ слайда 11 Reorder the words to make sentences Have visited, to tell the truth, a lot of, I
Описание слайда:

Reorder the words to make sentences Have visited, to tell the truth, a lot of, I, unfortunately, but, I do not like, places of natural beauty, all of them To tell the truth, I have visited a lot of places of natural beauty, but, I do not like all of them

№ слайда 12 Safari park Amusement park Historic building festival Place of natural beauty
Описание слайда:

Safari park Amusement park Historic building festival Place of natural beauty

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