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Презентация на тему: USA

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Презентация на тему: USA

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№ слайда 6 The first – The first – George Washington
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The first – The first – George Washington

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№ слайда 10 Located at the mouth of the Hudson River, on the Atlantic coast. Located at the
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Located at the mouth of the Hudson River, on the Atlantic coast. Located at the mouth of the Hudson River, on the Atlantic coast. Population: 7.3 million inhabitants. United Nations Headquarters, commercial and financial center of the world (New York Stock Exchange)

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№ слайда 12 City in illinois, located on the shore of Lake Michigan, the second largest in t
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City in illinois, located on the shore of Lake Michigan, the second largest in the United States, an important industrial, commercial and cultural center of the Midwest. City in illinois, located on the shore of Lake Michigan, the second largest in the United States, an important industrial, commercial and cultural center of the Midwest. Population: 3 million in the city, 9.7 million - in the metropolitan area

№ слайда 13 Urban agglomeration and port in southwestern California. Urban agglomeration and
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Urban agglomeration and port in southwestern California. Urban agglomeration and port in southwestern California. Population: 3.5 million., With the suburbs - 14.5 million Landmarks: Hollywood, the center of the film industry in1911, Disneyland, Museum of Art - John Paul Getty.

№ слайда 14 In the USA, celebrating more than 50 significant dates In the USA, celebrating m
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In the USA, celebrating more than 50 significant dates In the USA, celebrating more than 50 significant dates of historical and religious character. National holidays: January 1 - New Year; February 22 - Birthday of George Washington; 4th of July - Independence Day; November 11 - Veterans Day (Day of Reconciliation) December 25 - Christmas Day. National (federal) holidays are also Labor Day, which is celebrated on the first Monday in September, Thanksgiving Day, celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

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