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Презентация на тему: Unique Toronto

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Презентация на тему: Unique Toronto

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№ слайда 1 Конкурс презентаций "Я мыслью улечу к брегам туманным Альбиона" Сообще
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Конкурс презентаций "Я мыслью улечу к брегам туманным Альбиона" Сообщество взаимопомощи учителей Pedsovet.su Мунько Екатерина Владимировна учитель Глобальных Перспектив и Проектной работы Назарбаев Интеллектуальные Школы Казахстан Unique Toronto

№ слайда 2 Facts about Toronto Founded in 1834 The largest city in Canada Population: about
Описание слайда:

Facts about Toronto Founded in 1834 The largest city in Canada Population: about 2.8 million people 307 km of rivers and creeks run through the city One of the “greenest” cities in the world Over 140 languages and dialects are spoken in Toronto

№ слайда 3 CN Tower Communications and observation tower- the largest tower in the world –
Описание слайда:

CN Tower Communications and observation tower- the largest tower in the world – 553 meters high. The elevator will take you up to the restaurant with the glass floor

№ слайда 4 Yonge Street Yonge Street in Toronto is the longest street in the world: 1896 km
Описание слайда:

Yonge Street Yonge Street in Toronto is the longest street in the world: 1896 km long

№ слайда 5 Royal Ontario Museum
Описание слайда:

Royal Ontario Museum

№ слайда 6 The PATH Toronto has the largest underground city in the world called THE PATH A
Описание слайда:

The PATH Toronto has the largest underground city in the world called THE PATH About 27 km long Contains 1200 shops Connects more than 50 office buildings Using PATH one can access twenty parking garages, five subway stations, two major department stores, six major hotels, and a railway terminal

№ слайда 7 Royal Bank Plaza RBP is the headquarters of Royal Bank of Canada Consists of two
Описание слайда:

Royal Bank Plaza RBP is the headquarters of Royal Bank of Canada Consists of two Towers: North and South The exteriors of the Towers are covered with gold-bronze glass with tan granite accents. The glass was colored using 71,000 g. of gold

№ слайда 8 Hockey Hall of Fame The home of the Stanley Cup the finest collection of hockey
Описание слайда:

Hockey Hall of Fame The home of the Stanley Cup the finest collection of hockey artifacts; themed exhibits dedicated to the game’s greatest players, teams and achievements; an extensive array of multimedia stations; theatres; larger-than-life statues; a replica NHL dressing room

№ слайда 9 Niagara Falls You can get on a one-day bus tour from Toronto to Niagara Falls th
Описание слайда:

Niagara Falls You can get on a one-day bus tour from Toronto to Niagara Falls that is only 130 km southwest of Toronto

№ слайда 10 Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada Built at the base of CN Tower Contains 16,000 aquati
Описание слайда:

Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada Built at the base of CN Tower Contains 16,000 aquatic animals North America’s longest underwater viewing tunnel with more than 5.7 million liters of water and over 100 interactive opportunities

№ слайда 11 Ontario Science Centre Opened in 1969 Since then hosted more than 49 million vis
Описание слайда:

Ontario Science Centre Opened in 1969 Since then hosted more than 49 million visitors Centre for innovative thinking and public dialogue about science, technology and society

№ слайда 12 Источники иллюстраций http://bowjamesbow.ca/images/Image-Toronto24.JPG.jpg http:
Описание слайда:

Источники иллюстраций http://bowjamesbow.ca/images/Image-Toronto24.JPG.jpg http://b.citypass.com/blog/post/20130228-1-PATH3.jpg http://cdn.ipernity.com/138/28/55/27492855.2c94a592.500.jpg?r2 http://www.oxfordproperties.com/leasing/Content/property/ROYALBNK/gallery/lrg/HERO_Toronto_RBP_329-002_Ext.jpg http://img1.10bestmedia.com/Images/Photos/191168/5202152433-9425418676-b_54_990x660_201404231538.jpg http://miamiherald.typepad.com/.a/6a00d83451b26169e201538f80e49b970b-pi http://www.hg2toronto.com/sights/museum/---hockey-hall-of-fame---toronto-canada http://smartcanucks.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/ripley-aquarium.jpg http://tedxyouthtoronto.ca/files/osc.jpg http://www.destination360.com/north-america/canada/toronto/images/s/ontario-science-centre.jpg

№ слайда 13 Источники текстовой информации 1) Toronto Facts (2015). Toronto. Retrieved from
Описание слайда:

Источники текстовой информации 1) Toronto Facts (2015). Toronto. Retrieved from http://www.toronto.ca/ 2) Достопримечательности Торонто (2013). World Journey. Взято с сайта http://worldjourney.ru/america/195-dostoprimechatelnosti-toronto.html 3) Toronto/Yonge Street (2015). WikiTravel. Retrieved from http://wikitravel.org/en/Toronto/Yonge_Street 4) PATH. Underground city (2015). A view on cities. Retrieved from http://www.aviewoncities.com/toronto/path.htm 5) Hockey Hall of Fame (n.d.) Hg2 Toronto. Retrieved from http://www.hg2toronto.com/sights/museum/---hockey-hall-of-fame---toronto-canada 6) Conserve, Educate, Inspire! (n.d.) Ripley’s aquarium of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.ripleyaquariums.com/canada/us/ 7) Who we are (n.d.) Ontario Science Centre. Retrieved from http://www.ontariosciencecentre.ca/WhoWeAre/

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