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Презентация на тему: Teacher’s Day

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Презентация на тему: Teacher’s Day

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№ слайда 1 Teacher’s Day
Описание слайда:

Teacher’s Day

№ слайда 2 TEACHER’S DAY We celebrate Teacher’s Day in autumn, on the fifth of October.
Описание слайда:

TEACHER’S DAY We celebrate Teacher’s Day in autumn, on the fifth of October.

№ слайда 3 TEACHER’S DAYPupils congratulate their teachers on this holiday and teachers tha
Описание слайда:

TEACHER’S DAYPupils congratulate their teachers on this holiday and teachers thank their pupils for the warm congratulations and become very glad.

№ слайда 4 TEACHERSTeachers are very different. They may be kind and strict, young and not
Описание слайда:

TEACHERSTeachers are very different. They may be kind and strict, young and not young. But all of them want to be happy on this day.

№ слайда 5 TEACHER’S DAYPupils are kind, polite and active at the lessons.They even become
Описание слайда:

TEACHER’S DAYPupils are kind, polite and active at the lessons.They even become teachers themselves and give the lessons in other forms.

№ слайда 6 TEACHER’S DAY Teachers give good marks and don’t give a lot of hometask on this
Описание слайда:

TEACHER’S DAY Teachers give good marks and don’t give a lot of hometask on this day. And the lessons are usually shorter.

№ слайда 7 A QUIZCelebrate ____Congratulate _____Congratulations ___Thank _____Active ___th
Описание слайда:

A QUIZCelebrate ____Congratulate _____Congratulations ___Thank _____Active ___the lesson___other form (class)____this dayonontoforatinon

№ слайда 8 IS IT EASY TO BE A TEACHER?A teacher is …a person who helps pupils to study: he\
Описание слайда:

IS IT EASY TO BE A TEACHER?A teacher is …a person who helps pupils to study: he\she explains the material, gives and checks up exercises and tests, organizes competitions and so on;a person who teaches pupils to communicate.

№ слайда 9 A TEACHER…Makes up lessons planning for a year.Gets ready for every lesson. Expl
Описание слайда:

A TEACHER…Makes up lessons planning for a year.Gets ready for every lesson. Explains the material, choose necessary tasks and the ways to do them.

№ слайда 10 A TEACHER..Checks up pupils’ works and points or corrects their mistakes.Keeps c
Описание слайда:

A TEACHER..Checks up pupils’ works and points or corrects their mistakes.Keeps class registers.Gets pupils ready for passing school exams.

№ слайда 11 A FORM TEACHER… Controls pupils’ attendance and school results.Checks up pupils’
Описание слайда:

A FORM TEACHER… Controls pupils’ attendance and school results.Checks up pupils’ daybooks and write out their marks from the class register.Maintains close contact with pupils’ parents.Organizes parents’ meetings and consultations.Helps pupils to solve different problems in their class.Takes part in class activities.

№ слайда 12 CAN YOU BE A TEACHER?Can you make up plans well?Can you analyze your actions?Can
Описание слайда:

CAN YOU BE A TEACHER?Can you make up plans well?Can you analyze your actions?Can you communicate with children?Can you find and explain information well?Can you ask and answer different questions?Can you learn all your life?Are you ready to pass exams every 5 years?

№ слайда 13 IDEALAn ideal TeacherPolite and friendlyBe not angry with pupilsNot shout at pup
Описание слайда:

IDEALAn ideal TeacherPolite and friendlyBe not angry with pupilsNot shout at pupilsExplain the material wellAlways help pupilsGive little hometaskGive only good marksNot complain to pupils’ parents…An ideal PupilPolite and activeBe not rude to teachersNot shout at the lessonsUnderstand the material well5-6. Always be ready for the lessons and do homeworkGet only good marksNot complain to his parents…

№ слайда 14 IDEALAn ideal Teacher… is polite and friendly. is not angry with pupils.doesn’t
Описание слайда:

IDEALAn ideal Teacher… is polite and friendly. is not angry with pupils.doesn’t shout at pupils. explains the material well. always helps pupils. gives little hometask. gives only good marks. doesn’t complain to pupils’ parents…An ideal Pupil…is polite and active.is not rude to teachersdoesn’t shout at the lessons.understands the material well.5-6.always is ready for the lessons and does homework.7. gets only good marks.8. doesn’t complain to his parents…

№ слайда 15 LET’S SUM UPThe profession of a teacher demands:Being hardworking like a beeBein
Описание слайда:

LET’S SUM UPThe profession of a teacher demands:Being hardworking like a beeBeing punctual like a clockGiving lessons like an expertGiving tests like a bolt from the blueChecking up pupils’ works like a breeze

№ слайда 16 TEACHER’S DAYSo, the best congratulations to the Teachers and their Pupils!
Описание слайда:

TEACHER’S DAYSo, the best congratulations to the Teachers and their Pupils!

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