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Презентация на тему: The World of jobs

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Презентация на тему: The World of jobs

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№ слайда 1 CHOOSINGa Career: The World of Jobs
Описание слайда:

CHOOSINGa Career: The World of Jobs

№ слайда 2 Mind the vocabulary Profession – is an occupation in which special education is
Описание слайда:

Mind the vocabulary Profession – is an occupation in which special education is required (doctor, architect…)Job – is the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money.Job application – is a special formal letter to apply a position (job).

№ слайда 3 1.Have you ever thought about your future career? Have you made any decision? 2.
Описание слайда:

1.Have you ever thought about your future career? Have you made any decision? 2.What do your parents and friends advise you to do as a job?  3.Would you prefer to work with your hands or with your brain? Are there any jobs you would or wouldn’t like to do? What are they? 4.What do you fell about working with people? Name some occupations where you work with people. 5. Would you like to work with machines? Name some jobs where you work with machines.  

№ слайда 4 6.Is it important for you how well-paid your future job is going to be? What is
Описание слайда:

6.Is it important for you how well-paid your future job is going to be? What is more important – to have a well-paid but not very interesting job or a job that interests you but is less paid? Explain why?  7. Is it important for you to have a prestigious job? What jobs are prestigious nowadays? 8. What are you good at? Are you good at the things you like doing? Do you think these activities can help you in your future career?  9.Is it important for you to have a good career? What do you have to do to make a good career? What do people mean when they say “to make a good career”?   

№ слайда 5 QuestionnaireHow many professions do you knowmore than 5more than 10more than 15
Описание слайда:

QuestionnaireHow many professions do you knowmore than 5more than 10more than 15?What professions are the most prestigious nowadays?What professions do you think are neededin your townin your country?Have you made your choice of a job?What are the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen job?

№ слайда 6 Ways of Getting Information about Jobs Parents, Teachers, Friends JOB ? Example
Описание слайда:

Ways of Getting Information about Jobs Parents, Teachers, Friends JOB ? Example of Former School Leavers Mass Media

№ слайда 7 Traditional jobs
Описание слайда:

Traditional jobs

№ слайда 8
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 9 Unusual jobs
Описание слайда:

Unusual jobs

№ слайда 10 Merchant dreams.Postal clerk dreams of becoming a one-night a great actor. Busin
Описание слайда:

Merchant dreams.Postal clerk dreams of becoming a one-night a great actor. Businessman wants to manage the multi-ton structure. How to make their dreams a reality? One of the companies involved in the Chicago incarnation of the life of any fantasies and desires of their clients. All you need is to come into their office and tell what you dream and pay the amount that you would call experts. However, remember that the minimum cost of a dream come true is $ 150,000.

№ слайда 11 Professional standing in the queue
Описание слайда:

Professional standing in the queue

№ слайда 12 Interlocutor
Описание слайда:


№ слайда 13 Rescuer of coconuts.
Описание слайда:

Rescuer of coconuts.

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