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Презентация на тему: Tall or high

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Презентация на тему: Tall or high

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№ слайда 1
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 2 The opposite of tall is… The opposite of tall is… low short The opposite of high
Описание слайда:

The opposite of tall is… The opposite of tall is… low short The opposite of high is… low short

№ слайда 3 The opposite of tall is… The opposite of tall is… low short The opposite of high
Описание слайда:

The opposite of tall is… The opposite of tall is… low short The opposite of high is… low short

№ слайда 4 When we talk about measurements, we usually use When we talk about measurements,
Описание слайда:

When we talk about measurements, we usually use When we talk about measurements, we usually use tall for people high for things

№ слайда 5 My sister is only 4 feet… My sister is only 4 feet… tall high The Washington Mon
Описание слайда:

My sister is only 4 feet… My sister is only 4 feet… tall high The Washington Monument is 555 feet… tall high

№ слайда 6 My sister is only 4 feet… My sister is only 4 feet… tall high The Washington Mon
Описание слайда:

My sister is only 4 feet… My sister is only 4 feet… tall high The Washington Monument is 555 feet… tall high

№ слайда 7 1. Native English-speakers tend to use “tall” for 1. Native English-speakers ten
Описание слайда:

1. Native English-speakers tend to use “tall” for 1. Native English-speakers tend to use “tall” for People Trees Multi-floored buildings A few other things that are taller than they are wide Otherwise they prefer to use “high”. 2. And they tend to use “high” to talk about distance above the ground.

№ слайда 8
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 9 This man is high on a tall building.
Описание слайда:

This man is high on a tall building.

№ слайда 10 The boy is higher than his dad, but not taller. The boy is higher than his dad,
Описание слайда:

The boy is higher than his dad, but not taller. The boy is higher than his dad, but not taller.

№ слайда 11 Native-speakers tend to use Native-speakers tend to use tall when part of the ob
Описание слайда:

Native-speakers tend to use Native-speakers tend to use tall when part of the object touches the ground high when the object doesn’t touch the ground

№ слайда 12 The poles are tall. (They touch the ground.) The poles are tall. (They touch the
Описание слайда:

The poles are tall. (They touch the ground.) The poles are tall. (They touch the ground.) The wires are high. (They don’t touch the ground.)

№ слайда 13 The kite is flying _____ in the sky. The kite is flying _____ in the sky. high t
Описание слайда:

The kite is flying _____ in the sky. The kite is flying _____ in the sky. high tall

№ слайда 14 The kite is flying _____ in the sky. The kite is flying _____ in the sky. high t
Описание слайда:

The kite is flying _____ in the sky. The kite is flying _____ in the sky. high tall

№ слайда 15 She is much _________ than he is. She is much _________ than he is. taller highe
Описание слайда:

She is much _________ than he is. She is much _________ than he is. taller higher

№ слайда 16 She is much _________ than he is. She is much _________ than he is. taller highe
Описание слайда:

She is much _________ than he is. She is much _________ than he is. taller higher

№ слайда 17 The tree is… The tree is… tall high Its branches are… tall high
Описание слайда:

The tree is… The tree is… tall high Its branches are… tall high

№ слайда 18 The tree is… The tree is… tall high Its branches are… tall high
Описание слайда:

The tree is… The tree is… tall high Its branches are… tall high

№ слайда 19 That is a ____ladder. That is a ____ladder. tall high
Описание слайда:

That is a ____ladder. That is a ____ladder. tall high

№ слайда 20 That is a ____ladder. That is a ____ladder. tall high
Описание слайда:

That is a ____ladder. That is a ____ladder. tall high

№ слайда 21 That is a _____ ladder. That is a _____ ladder. short low He is standing on the
Описание слайда:

That is a _____ ladder. That is a _____ ladder. short low He is standing on the _____ rung of the ladder. shortest lowest He is getting a book from the _____ shelf. tallest highest

№ слайда 22 That is a _____ ladder. That is a _____ ladder. short low He is standing on the
Описание слайда:

That is a _____ ladder. That is a _____ ladder. short low He is standing on the _____ rung of the ladder. shortest lowest He is getting a book from the _____ shelf. tallest highest

№ слайда 23 “High” can also be used to “High” can also be used to describe a person under th
Описание слайда:

“High” can also be used to “High” can also be used to describe a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs. So, a person can be “tall” or “high”, but there are 3 different meanings.

№ слайда 24
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 25
Описание слайда:

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