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Презентация на тему: Highland games

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Презентация на тему: Highland games

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№ слайда 1 Highland games
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Highland games

№ слайда 2 Brief information
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Brief information

№ слайда 3 Highland games are events held throughout the year in Scotland and other countri
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Highland games are events held throughout the year in Scotland and other countries. Highland games are events held throughout the year in Scotland and other countries. Certain aspects of the games are so well known as to have become emblematic of Scotland. The games also include entertainment and exhibits related to other aspects of Scottish and Gaelic culture.

№ слайда 4 History It is reported in numerous books and Highland games programs Some have s
Описание слайда:

History It is reported in numerous books and Highland games programs Some have seen this apocryphal event to be the origin of today's modern Highland games. The modern Highland games are largely a Victorian invention, developed after the Highland Clearances.

№ слайда 5 Events
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№ слайда 6 Highland games revolved around athletic and sports competitions. Highland games
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Highland games revolved around athletic and sports competitions. Highland games revolved around athletic and sports competitions. Though other activities were always a part of the festivities The athletic competitions are at least an integral part of the events and one — the caber toss — has come to almost symbolize the Highland games.

№ слайда 7 Weight throw Weight throw, also known as the weight for distance event. The weig
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Weight throw Weight throw, also known as the weight for distance event. The weights are made of metal and have a handle attached either directly or by means of a chain. The implement is thrown using one hand only, but otherwise using any technique. The longest throw wins.

№ слайда 8 Music The most memorable of all the events at the games is the massing of the pi
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Music The most memorable of all the events at the games is the massing of the pipe bands. Normally held in conjunction with the opening and closing ceremonies of the games.

№ слайда 9
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№ слайда 10 Dance The Cowal Highland Gathering hosts the annual World Highland Dancing Champ
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Dance The Cowal Highland Gathering hosts the annual World Highland Dancing Championship. This event gathers the best competitive dancers from around the world who compete for the SOBHD sanctioned World Championship title.

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