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Презентация на тему: Superstitions in the UK

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Презентация на тему: Superstitions in the UK

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№ слайда 1 Superstitions in the UK Made by: Gordienko I., Golubeva A.SSASSH26.10.11
Описание слайда:

Superstitions in the UK Made by: Gordienko I., Golubeva A.SSASSH26.10.11

№ слайда 2 Table of Contents What are Superstitions?Good Luck SuperstitionsBad Luck Superst
Описание слайда:

Table of Contents What are Superstitions?Good Luck SuperstitionsBad Luck SuperstitionsTable SuperstitionsWedding Superstitions

№ слайда 3 What are Superstitions?
Описание слайда:

What are Superstitions?

№ слайда 4 What are Superstitions? Superstitions «are irrational beliefs, especially with r
Описание слайда:

What are Superstitions? Superstitions «are irrational beliefs, especially with regard to the unknown» Collins English Dictionary

№ слайда 5 Good Luck Superstitions Black Cat Touching Wood
Описание слайда:

Good Luck Superstitions Black Cat Touching Wood

№ слайда 6 Good Luck Superstitions Four-leaf Clover Faith LoveHope Luck
Описание слайда:

Good Luck Superstitions Four-leaf Clover Faith LoveHope Luck

№ слайда 7 Good Luck Superstitions White Heather Horseshoe
Описание слайда:

Good Luck Superstitions White Heather Horseshoe

№ слайда 8 Good Luck Superstitions Catching Falling Leaves Putting Money in the Pocket of N
Описание слайда:

Good Luck Superstitions Catching Falling Leaves Putting Money in the Pocket of New Clothes

№ слайда 9 Bad Luck Superstitions Walking Underneath a Ladder Breaking a Mirror
Описание слайда:

Bad Luck Superstitions Walking Underneath a Ladder Breaking a Mirror

№ слайда 10 Bad Luck Superstitions a Lone Magpie
Описание слайда:

Bad Luck Superstitions a Lone Magpie

№ слайда 11 Bad Luck Superstitions Spilling Salt Opening an Umbrella Indoors
Описание слайда:

Bad Luck Superstitions Spilling Salt Opening an Umbrella Indoors

№ слайда 12 Table Superstitions
Описание слайда:

Table Superstitions

№ слайда 13 Wedding Superstitions Bride and room must not meet on the day of the wedding exc
Описание слайда:

Wedding Superstitions Bride and room must not meet on the day of the wedding except at the altar

№ слайда 14 Wedding Superstitions Old Garter Happy Future Bride's Family Valuable Item Fidel
Описание слайда:

Wedding Superstitions Old Garter Happy Future Bride's Family Valuable Item Fidelity

№ слайда 15 Wedding Superstitions Husband should carry his new wife
Описание слайда:

Wedding Superstitions Husband should carry his new wife

№ слайда 16
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 17 Thank you for your attention! E-mail: superstitions@gmail.com
Описание слайда:

Thank you for your attention! E-mail: [email protected]

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