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Презентация на тему: Sting

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Презентация на тему: Sting

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№ слайда 1 Sting Alyona Bondar Form 10-A School 12
Описание слайда:

Sting Alyona Bondar Form 10-A School 12

№ слайда 2 Sting Real name -Gordon Matthew Sumner, a British musician, actor and social act
Описание слайда:

Sting Real name -Gordon Matthew Sumner, a British musician, actor and social activist.

№ слайда 3 Sting was born on October 2, 1951 in Wallsend, England.
Описание слайда:

Sting was born on October 2, 1951 in Wallsend, England.

№ слайда 4 He’s married twice, and has six children and seven homes.
Описание слайда:

He’s married twice, and has six children and seven homes.

№ слайда 5 Of Gordon Sumner he turned to Sting in the time Phoenix Jazz Band. One day he ca
Описание слайда:

Of Gordon Sumner he turned to Sting in the time Phoenix Jazz Band. One day he came to rehearsal in black and yellow sweater, and member called him Stinger.

№ слайда 6 Before the beginning of his solo career, Sting was the lead singer, bass guitari
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Before the beginning of his solo career, Sting was the lead singer, bass guitarist and main songwriter rock band The Police. His the most famous song is “Every breath you take”. And royalties from this song - 2000 dollars a week.

№ слайда 7 Throughout his career, Sting has received 16 Grammy Awards, he was nominated for
Описание слайда:

Throughout his career, Sting has received 16 Grammy Awards, he was nominated for an Oscar for best song for the film, and his name is entered into the Hall of Fame Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Songwriters. Sting - Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

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