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Презентация на тему: Sports in Society: Issues & Controversies

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Презентация на тему: Sports in Society: Issues & Controversies

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№ слайда 1
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№ слайда 2 Sports are related to the social and cultural contexts in which we live Sports a
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Sports are related to the social and cultural contexts in which we live Sports are related to the social and cultural contexts in which we live Sports provide stories & images used to explain & evaluate these contexts Sports provide a window into culture and society

№ слайда 3 Sociology provides useful Sociology provides useful Concepts Theories Research m
Описание слайда:

Sociology provides useful Sociology provides useful Concepts Theories Research methods These tools enable us to “see” behavior as it connected with history, politics, economics, and social life

№ слайда 4 Consists of the “ways of life” people create in a group or society Consists of t
Описание слайда:

Consists of the “ways of life” people create in a group or society Consists of the “ways of life” people create in a group or society These ways of life are created and changed as people interact with each other, as they come to terms with, and even struggle over how to Do things and organize their lives Relate to each other Make sense out of their experiences

№ слайда 5 A collection of people Living in a defined geographical territory United through
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A collection of people Living in a defined geographical territory United through a political system a shared sense of self-identification that distinguishes them from other people.

№ слайда 6 Psychologists study behavior in terms of attributes & processes that exist i
Описание слайда:

Psychologists study behavior in terms of attributes & processes that exist inside individuals Sociologists study behavior in terms of the social conditions and cultural contexts in which people live their lives

№ слайда 7 Identify & understand social problems and social issues associated with spor
Описание слайда:

Identify & understand social problems and social issues associated with sports Identify & understand social problems and social issues associated with sports Look beyond scores to see sports as social phenomena Make informed choices about sport participation and the place of sports in our lives Transform sports in progressive ways

№ слайда 8 Sociological research may produce findings that suggest changes in the organizat
Описание слайда:

Sociological research may produce findings that suggest changes in the organization of sports and the organization of social life Sociological research may produce findings that suggest changes in the organization of sports and the organization of social life Those who benefit from the status quo may be threatened by these research findings

№ слайда 9 Sports activities and images are part of people’s lives Sports activities and im
Описание слайда:

Sports activities and images are part of people’s lives Sports activities and images are part of people’s lives Sports are connected with ideologies in society i.e., the “viewpoints” that underlie people’s feelings, thoughts, and actions Sports are connected with major spheres of social life such as: family, economy, media, politics, education, & religion

№ слайда 10 The sets of interrelated ideas that people use The sets of interrelated ideas th
Описание слайда:

The sets of interrelated ideas that people use The sets of interrelated ideas that people use To give meaning to the world To make sense of the world To identify what is important, right, and natural in that world

№ слайда 11 They are never established “once and for all time” They are never established “o
Описание слайда:

They are never established “once and for all time” They are never established “once and for all time” They emerge as people struggle over the meaning and organization of social life They are complex and sometimes inconsistent They change as power relationships change in society

№ слайда 12 Represents the perspectives and ideas favored by people who have power and influ
Описание слайда:

Represents the perspectives and ideas favored by people who have power and influence in society Represents the perspectives and ideas favored by people who have power and influence in society Dominant ideologies serve the interests of people with power and influence

№ слайда 13 A set of interrelated ideas about masculinity, femininity, and relationships bet
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A set of interrelated ideas about masculinity, femininity, and relationships between men and women A set of interrelated ideas about masculinity, femininity, and relationships between men and women Dominant Gender ldeology consists of prevailing notions of “common sense” about maleness and femaleness in a group or society

№ слайда 14 A set of interrelated ideas that people use to give meaning to skin color and to
Описание слайда:

A set of interrelated ideas that people use to give meaning to skin color and to evaluate people in terms of racial classifications A set of interrelated ideas that people use to give meaning to skin color and to evaluate people in terms of racial classifications Dominant Racial Ideology consists of prevailing ideas about the meanings of skin color and the characteristics of people classified in various racial categories

№ слайда 15 Sports are connected with major spheres of social life Sports are connected with
Описание слайда:

Sports are connected with major spheres of social life Sports are connected with major spheres of social life Family Economy Media Politics Education Religion

№ слайда 16 The International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) The International Sociol
Описание слайда:

The International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) The International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) The North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) The Sport Sociology Academy (SSA) in AAHPERD (American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance)

№ слайда 17 Scholars in the field see themselves as Scholars in the field see themselves as
Описание слайда:

Scholars in the field see themselves as Scholars in the field see themselves as Sport sociologists concerned with sport science issues Sociologists concerned with social and cultural issues Scholars may see themselves as professional experts (interested in consulting and the application of knowledge to improve sports) critical sociologists (interested in social & cultural transformation), or knowledge builders (interested in using research to accumulate knowledge about social life)

№ слайда 18 Physical Competitive Institutionalized Motivated by a combination of internal &a
Описание слайда:

Physical Competitive Institutionalized Motivated by a combination of internal & external rewards

№ слайда 19 Rules become standardized Official agencies enforce rules Organizational & t
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Rules become standardized Official agencies enforce rules Organizational & technical aspects of the activity become important Learning game skills becomes formalized

№ слайда 20 Play involves expressive activity done for its own sake; it is often spontaneous
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Play involves expressive activity done for its own sake; it is often spontaneous and guided by informal, emergent norms Dramatic Spectacle involves performances to entertain an audience for the purpose of obtaining rewards

№ слайда 21 Determine what activities are identified as sports in a society Determine whose
Описание слайда:

Determine what activities are identified as sports in a society Determine whose sports count the most when it comes to obtaining support and resources

№ слайда 22 This means that there are struggles over: This means that there are struggles ov
Описание слайда:

This means that there are struggles over: This means that there are struggles over: The meaning, purpose, & organization of sports Who will participate and the conditions under which sport participation occurs How sports will be sponsored, and what the reasons for sponsorship will be

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