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Презентация на тему: Sport in Russia

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Презентация на тему: Sport in Russia

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№ слайда 3 Football's the most popular sport in Russia. In 2008 the Russian team won bronze
Описание слайда:

Football's the most popular sport in Russia. In 2008 the Russian team won bronze medals at European Championship. Russia has its own football league. Now our team has played in the qualifying rounds for the European Championship. Football's the most popular sport in Russia. In 2008 the Russian team won bronze medals at European Championship. Russia has its own football league. Now our team has played in the qualifying rounds for the European Championship.

№ слайда 4 Ice-hockey is one of the most important kinds of sport in Russia. Russian team h
Описание слайда:

Ice-hockey is one of the most important kinds of sport in Russia. Russian team had won the world championship 25 times. Many cities and towns have their own teams, Chelyabinsk has its own team too. The team’s name is Tractor. Ice-hockey is one of the most important kinds of sport in Russia. Russian team had won the world championship 25 times. Many cities and towns have their own teams, Chelyabinsk has its own team too. The team’s name is Tractor.

№ слайда 5 Basketball is very popular in Russia. We have our own championship and our Russi
Описание слайда:

Basketball is very popular in Russia. We have our own championship and our Russian team often plays in World and European Championship. Andrey Kirilenko is one of the best players in our team. Basketball is very popular in Russia. We have our own championship and our Russian team often plays in World and European Championship. Andrey Kirilenko is one of the best players in our team.

№ слайда 6 Judo is a significant kind of sport in Russia. There are a lot of places where y
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Judo is a significant kind of sport in Russia. There are a lot of places where you can do judo but the best place is Olympic Training Center. The prime minister of Russia is fond of judo, too. Judo is a significant kind of sport in Russia. There are a lot of places where you can do judo but the best place is Olympic Training Center. The prime minister of Russia is fond of judo, too.

№ слайда 7 Biathlon is one of the most interesting winter sports in Russia. Our biathletes
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Biathlon is one of the most interesting winter sports in Russia. Our biathletes have always taken prizes in international competitions. Russian biathletes are known for their accurate shooting. Biathlon is one of the most interesting winter sports in Russia. Our biathletes have always taken prizes in international competitions. Russian biathletes are known for their accurate shooting.

№ слайда 8 Box is very popular in Chelyabinsk. Many people go in for it. Box is very popula
Описание слайда:

Box is very popular in Chelyabinsk. Many people go in for it. Box is very popular in Chelyabinsk. Many people go in for it. Our boxers often get medals at the Olympic Games. Konstantin Tszyu is the most titled Russian boxer.

№ слайда 9
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№ слайда 10 If you are not into sport, If you are not into sport, do it!
Описание слайда:

If you are not into sport, If you are not into sport, do it!

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