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Презентация на тему: New food

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Презентация на тему: New food

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№ слайда 8 Not many people know the ancient Greeks made a dish similar to pizza called “pla
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Not many people know the ancient Greeks made a dish similar to pizza called “plankuntos”. In Italy, people didn’t use much cheese on pizzas 150 years ago. Cheese was too expensive. Not many people know the ancient Greeks made a dish similar to pizza called “plankuntos”. In Italy, people didn’t use much cheese on pizzas 150 years ago. Cheese was too expensive. When Queen Margherita of Italy visited Naples (Napoli) in 1889, a baker called Rafael Esposito invented a pizza for her. It didn’t have a lot of ingredients: herbs, cheese and tomato. The pizza was the colours of the Italian flag: green, white and red. The first pizzeria in the USA opened in 1905. For many years, there weren’t many pizzerias outside Italy, but in the 1940s, a lot of American soldiers passed through Italy and they ‘discovered’ pizza! Now there are pizzerias all over the world. For perfect results, put fresh herbs and olive oil on your pizza before you pizza before you bake it. You don’t need much oil, but it is an important ingredient.

№ слайда 9 Question: One of the plusses of chocolate is that it contains materials called f
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Question: One of the plusses of chocolate is that it contains materials called flavonoids. These are known to enhance bone health. But does chocolate do more harm than good to the bones? Speculation: Here’s another thought, or really speculation: The chocolate-eaters in the study were somewhat lower in weight and body fat than the women who avoided chocolate. Especially in older women, body fat contributes to estrogen level, which, in turn, promotes increased bone calcium. Perhaps the slightly heavier post-menopausal women in the study, who ate less chocolate, had higher levels of calcium in their bones, on average, because of the additional estrogen produced by their body fat. Conclusion: So, does this study also apply to younger women or to men? It’s hard to say, since we don’t know the true mechanism which leads to lower bone density in older women who like chocolate. But we do know one thing which helps maintain and increase bone density and strength: exercise. Which certainly seems preferable to giving up chocolate. Exercise and living longer. My opinion: I like chocolate. Then I eat it, I stand happy! In my family my mother and I like and my father don’t like chocolate. I like chocolate “Milka”, it has soft, tender, nice and sweet taste.

№ слайда 10 The usual meals in England: Breakfast, Lunch, tea and dinner, or in simpler hous
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The usual meals in England: Breakfast, Lunch, tea and dinner, or in simpler houses, breakfast, dinner, tea and supper. Breakfast is generally the bigger meal than you have on the Continent. Breakfast is often a quick meal, because the father of the family has to get away to his work, children have to go to school, and the mother has her housework to do. Englishman generally have lunch at one o’clock p.m. The businessmen usually find a mutton, chop, or cold meat, or fish with potatoes, salad, then a pudding or fruit to follow. Afternoon tea you can hardly call a meat, but for some people it has become a tradition. People have tea between 5 and 6 o’clock. It usually consist of ham or tongue, tomatoes, salad or sausage with strong tea, bread and butter, then stewed fruit, or apricots with cream or a cake. The main meal of the day is called dinner. Dinner is eaten either in the middle of the day or in the evening. The midday meal usually consist of two courses – a meat course with a lot of vegetables and a soup.

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№ слайда 12 1) How often can you eat at McDonalds without damaging your health? a) once a we
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1) How often can you eat at McDonalds without damaging your health? a) once a week b) once a month c) once a year d) never 2) Are all McDonalds’ salads low in fat? a) yes b) no 3) Which is the most important meal of the day? a) breakfast b) dinner c) supper 4) According to experts, how much water should we drink each day? a) 1 liters b) 2 liters c) 3 liters 5) Is snacking (eating between meals) good for health? a) yes, always b) no, never c) It depends upon what you eat

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№ слайда 14 Answers Answers 1. The correct answer is b. Once a month (sometimes twice) shoul
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Answers Answers 1. The correct answer is b. Once a month (sometimes twice) should be okay. A lot of fast food restaurants offer healthier choices. Try a fruit juice instead of a fizzy drink or a salad instead of a burger. 2. The correct answer is a. All salad leaves and vegetables themselves are low in fat but some salad dressings can be high in calories. 3. The correct answer is c. Do you remember the Russian proverb ‘Eat your breakfast alone…’? Eating breakfast is the perfect way to start your day. Without breakfast you’ll feel tired and sleepy. 4. The correct answer is b. But it doesn’t have to be just water. Fruit juice, milk and tea count, too. So do fizzy dinks- but make sure you don’t drink these too often. 5. The correct answer is c. Healthy snacks such as fresh fruit or vegetables are good for you. Besides, such snacks can also help to prevent you from overeating at you next meal. 6. The correct answer is b. Doctors say that we should eat fish twice a week. 7. The correct answer is b. It has been proven that all vegetables- whether they are fresh, frozen or even canned- are good for you. 8. The correct answer is b. It’s a myth that eating starchy foods like pasta and bead is bad. 9. All above (d) is the correct answer! 10. The correct answer is b.

№ слайда 15 Healthy habits Healthy habits 1. Do you walk two kilometers every day? a) Yes, I
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Healthy habits Healthy habits 1. Do you walk two kilometers every day? a) Yes, I do b) No, I don’t c) It depends 2. Do you watch TV every day? a) No, I don’t b) Yes, I watch TV for one or two hours a day c) Yes, I watch TV for three or four hours a day 3. Do you sleep for nine hours a night? a) No, I don’t. b) It depends c) Yes, I do 4. Do you play computer games? a) No, I don’t. I prefer to relax in other ways. b) Yes, I play for one or two hours a week c) Yes, I play for three or four hours a week 5. Do you cycle or swim? a) I cycle and swim b) I cycle but I don’t swim. c) I swim but I don’t cycle d) I don’t cycle or swim. I don’t exercise

№ слайда 16 1. a-2; b-0; c-1 1. a-2; b-0; c-1 2. a-2; b-1; c-0 3. a-0; b-1; c-2 4. a-2; b-1;
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1. a-2; b-0; c-1 1. a-2; b-0; c-1 2. a-2; b-1; c-0 3. a-0; b-1; c-2 4. a-2; b-1; c-0 5. a-2; b-1; c-1; d-0 0-3 Oh no! You haven’t got very healthy habits 4-6 Not bad. What are your healthy and unhealthy habits? 7-10 WOW! You’re healthy habits? Congratulations

№ слайда 17 Литература. Литература. Комплект журналов для изучающих английский язык «Speak o
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Литература. Литература. Комплект журналов для изучающих английский язык «Speak out».-М.: Глосса - Пресс, 1/2005. с. 10-11.; 3/2005. с. 6-7.; 56/2006. с. 6-7. West Ben. Учебник английского языка. Adventure Intermediate. Oxford, 2008.-128c. c. 30.

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