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Презентация на тему: Санкт-Петербург. Путеводитель

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№ слайда 1
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 2 Foundation. Основание Foundation. Основание
Описание слайда:

Foundation. Основание Foundation. Основание

№ слайда 3 I love thee, Peter’s bold creation! I love thee, Peter’s bold creation! I love t
Описание слайда:

I love thee, Peter’s bold creation! I love thee, Peter’s bold creation! I love thy air austere, thy lone Great squares, and Neva’s fascination Between her banks of granite stone. A. Pushkin From the poem “The Bronze Horseman”

№ слайда 4 In 1703 the Russian King, tsar Peter The Great founded St-PETERSBURG, a city on
Описание слайда:

In 1703 the Russian King, tsar Peter The Great founded St-PETERSBURG, a city on the banks of the Neva River. In 1703 the Russian King, tsar Peter The Great founded St-PETERSBURG, a city on the banks of the Neva River. In 1712 it became the Russian capital.

№ слайда 5 The Peter and Paul fortress was laid at the day of Saint Trinity on the 16th of
Описание слайда:

The Peter and Paul fortress was laid at the day of Saint Trinity on the 16th of May 1703. The Peter and Paul fortress was laid at the day of Saint Trinity on the 16th of May 1703. Firstly it was wooden, in the second half of the 18 century its walls were clad with granite.

№ слайда 6 The architect D. Tresini became to build it in 1712 and was over in 1733. The ar
Описание слайда:

The architect D. Tresini became to build it in 1712 and was over in 1733. The architect D. Tresini became to build it in 1712 and was over in 1733. St Peter and Paul Cathedral was the main church of the city. In 1725 Peter I was buried there. Since that it was the burial-vault of Russian emperors and empresses.

№ слайда 7 This part of the city was a business centre. This part of the city was a busines
Описание слайда:

This part of the city was a business centre. This part of the city was a business centre. The Cape of Vasilevsky Island became one of the most beautiful architectural ensembles.

№ слайда 8 Two symmetrical columns served as lighthouses. Two symmetrical columns served as
Описание слайда:

Two symmetrical columns served as lighthouses. Two symmetrical columns served as lighthouses. The height of each one is 32 m. They were built after a project of Thoma de Thomon.

№ слайда 9 The Sphynx personifies the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenkhotep III who ruled in 1402-136
Описание слайда:

The Sphynx personifies the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenkhotep III who ruled in 1402-1364 B.C. His wife Nefertiti is the most popular woman of Ancient Egypt. The Sphynx personifies the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenkhotep III who ruled in 1402-1364 B.C. His wife Nefertiti is the most popular woman of Ancient Egypt.

№ слайда 10 Laid in 1704 the Admiralty was reconstructed three times. The present building w
Описание слайда:

Laid in 1704 the Admiralty was reconstructed three times. The present building was constructed in 1806-1823 after the project of the architect A.Zakharov. Laid in 1704 the Admiralty was reconstructed three times. The present building was constructed in 1806-1823 after the project of the architect A.Zakharov. At present the higher Naval School is situated there.

№ слайда 11 This monument was inaugurated in 1782. Its author E. Falconet worked at the monu
Описание слайда:

This monument was inaugurated in 1782. Its author E. Falconet worked at the monument 12 years. The Poet A. Pushkin called it “The Bronze Horseman”. This monument was inaugurated in 1782. Its author E. Falconet worked at the monument 12 years. The Poet A. Pushkin called it “The Bronze Horseman”.

№ слайда 12 In 1704 The Summer Gardens was laid after the idea of Peter I. He himself plante
Описание слайда:

In 1704 The Summer Gardens was laid after the idea of Peter I. He himself planted oak alleys. There were some fountains, sculptures, rare trees and flowers at his “paradise”. In 1704 The Summer Gardens was laid after the idea of Peter I. He himself planted oak alleys. There were some fountains, sculptures, rare trees and flowers at his “paradise”.

№ слайда 13 In 1710-1714 after of the design of the architect D.Tresini a small two-storied
Описание слайда:

In 1710-1714 after of the design of the architect D.Tresini a small two-storied palace was built . Peter I liked it and lived there with his family most part of year. Now the museum is located there. In 1710-1714 after of the design of the architect D.Tresini a small two-storied palace was built . Peter I liked it and lived there with his family most part of year. Now the museum is located there.

№ слайда 14 St Petersburg has over 100 working museums. They are The Hermitage, The State Ru
Описание слайда:

St Petersburg has over 100 working museums. They are The Hermitage, The State Russian Museum, the Kunstkamera, the Russian Ethnographic Museum and many others. St Petersburg has over 100 working museums. They are The Hermitage, The State Russian Museum, the Kunstkamera, the Russian Ethnographic Museum and many others.

№ слайда 15 The State Hermitage is one of greatest museums in the world. It consists of five
Описание слайда:

The State Hermitage is one of greatest museums in the world. It consists of five historical buildings, including Winter Palace – the residence of Russian tsars. There are about 3 million monuments of culture and art of the European and Oriental peoples, from antiquity till nowadays. The State Hermitage is one of greatest museums in the world. It consists of five historical buildings, including Winter Palace – the residence of Russian tsars. There are about 3 million monuments of culture and art of the European and Oriental peoples, from antiquity till nowadays.

№ слайда 16 It was opened in 1989 in the Mikhaylovsky Palace (architect C. Rossi). It is the
Описание слайда:

It was opened in 1989 in the Mikhaylovsky Palace (architect C. Rossi). It is the largest in the country collection of Russian art, from ancient icons to the Avant-Garde painting of the XX century. It was opened in 1989 in the Mikhaylovsky Palace (architect C. Rossi). It is the largest in the country collection of Russian art, from ancient icons to the Avant-Garde painting of the XX century.

№ слайда 17 The collection stems from the exhibits of the first Russian museum, founded by P
Описание слайда:

The collection stems from the exhibits of the first Russian museum, founded by Peter I. There are 1 million unique articles telling about lifestyle of people in the world. The collection stems from the exhibits of the first Russian museum, founded by Peter I. There are 1 million unique articles telling about lifestyle of people in the world.

№ слайда 18 A battleship of the Russian Navy put on eternal mooring. The exhibition illustra
Описание слайда:

A battleship of the Russian Navy put on eternal mooring. The exhibition illustrates its participation in the Tsushima battle 1904-1905, its activities in the beginning of the XX century and in the World War II, 1941-1945. A battleship of the Russian Navy put on eternal mooring. The exhibition illustrates its participation in the Tsushima battle 1904-1905, its activities in the beginning of the XX century and in the World War II, 1941-1945.

№ слайда 19 Petersburg is often called the city of palaces. It’s really true! Petersburg is
Описание слайда:

Petersburg is often called the city of palaces. It’s really true! Petersburg is often called the city of palaces. It’s really true!

№ слайда 20 An architectural monument of the middle of the XVIII century (architect A. Rinal
Описание слайда:

An architectural monument of the middle of the XVIII century (architect A. Rinaldi). Over 30 tints of marble were used for the decoration of this palace. An architectural monument of the middle of the XVIII century (architect A. Rinaldi). Over 30 tints of marble were used for the decoration of this palace.

№ слайда 21 It was the palace of the first city’s general governor A.D. Menshikov.It was the
Описание слайда:

It was the palace of the first city’s general governor A.D. Menshikov.It was the first stone building in the city (architects G. Fontana and J. Schedel). It was the palace of the first city’s general governor A.D. Menshikov.It was the first stone building in the city (architects G. Fontana and J. Schedel).

№ слайда 22 It was constructed to protect the Russian emperor Paul I. It was here where he w
Описание слайда:

It was constructed to protect the Russian emperor Paul I. It was here where he was killed at the night of March, 12.1801. It was constructed to protect the Russian emperor Paul I. It was here where he was killed at the night of March, 12.1801.

№ слайда 23 During almost 2 centuries, it was the property of Barons and Counts Stroganoff.
Описание слайда:

During almost 2 centuries, it was the property of Barons and Counts Stroganoff. Its building was launched in 1783. The famous architects M. Zemtsov, F. Rastrelli, A. Voronikhin built it. During almost 2 centuries, it was the property of Barons and Counts Stroganoff. Its building was launched in 1783. The famous architects M. Zemtsov, F. Rastrelli, A. Voronikhin built it.

№ слайда 24 St. Petersburg is famous for its cathedrals and churches. St. Petersburg is famo
Описание слайда:

St. Petersburg is famous for its cathedrals and churches. St. Petersburg is famous for its cathedrals and churches.

№ слайда 25 One of the finest architectural monuments of the XIX century (architect A.Montfe
Описание слайда:

One of the finest architectural monuments of the XIX century (architect A.Montferrand) the former principal cathedral of Russian capital. One of the finest architectural monuments of the XIX century (architect A.Montferrand) the former principal cathedral of Russian capital.

№ слайда 26 It was erected after the architect A. Voronikhin’ design in 1801-1811. It was er
Описание слайда:

It was erected after the architect A. Voronikhin’ design in 1801-1811. It was erected after the architect A. Voronikhin’ design in 1801-1811. It overlooks Nevsky Avenue with its Northern facade.

№ слайда 27 St-PETERSBURG is surrounded by beautiful suburbs. St-PETERSBURG is surrounded by
Описание слайда:

St-PETERSBURG is surrounded by beautiful suburbs. St-PETERSBURG is surrounded by beautiful suburbs.

№ слайда 28 Самойлова Г.Л. Три века Санкт-Петербурга. – М.: Паритет, 2003. – 96 с.: ил. Само
Описание слайда:

Самойлова Г.Л. Три века Санкт-Петербурга. – М.: Паритет, 2003. – 96 с.: ил. Самойлова Г.Л. Три века Санкт-Петербурга. – М.: Паритет, 2003. – 96 с.: ил. St. Petersburg – The Old city Guide. – СПб.: Альбом-путеводитель. – М.: Б-ка звезда, 1993. Leningrad. - A Short Guide. – Лениздат, 1980. Синдаловский Н.А. Легенды и мифы Санкт-Петербурга. –СПб.: Норинт, 203. – 224 с.: ил. Кирцидели Ю.И. Мой город Санкт-Петербург. – СПб.: Спец. лит., 1999. – 298 с.: ил. www.serzh.ru.

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