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Презентация на тему: Professions in our lifes

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Презентация на тему: Professions in our lifes

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№ слайда 1 Professions in our lifes professional Qualities
Описание слайда:

Professions in our lifes professional Qualities

№ слайда 2 Sales assistant
Описание слайда:

Sales assistant

№ слайда 3 journalist the qualities you should develop if you want to be a good journalist
Описание слайда:

journalist the qualities you should develop if you want to be a good journalist : A lot of hard work  Be competitive Be responsible  Develop good writing skills Be motivated and enthusiastic  Be a skeptic

№ слайда 4 teacher the qualities you should develop if you want to be a good teacher : Pass
Описание слайда:

teacher the qualities you should develop if you want to be a good teacher : Passion Creativity Knowledge Communication with students If you don’t love your subject, how can you expect sth. from your students? Without this, it is impossible to become a great teacher.

№ слайда 5 doctor List of quaolities of a good doctor: Kind Tolerant Empathic Sensative Com
Описание слайда:

doctor List of quaolities of a good doctor: Kind Tolerant Empathic Sensative Compassionate Humane Generous considerate

№ слайда 6 programmer the qualities you should develop if you want to be a good programmer
Описание слайда:

programmer the qualities you should develop if you want to be a good programmer :  Intelligence Memorization Searching for the right things Asking the right questions Applying what you know

№ слайда 7 businessman the qualities you should develop if you want to be a good businessma
Описание слайда:

businessman the qualities you should develop if you want to be a good businessman: Financial Ability Leadership  Well Balanced Honest Enthusiasms Success and luck Flexibility

№ слайда 8 Designer The Qualities you need to be a Good Designer Artistic Ability Logical t
Описание слайда:

Designer The Qualities you need to be a Good Designer Artistic Ability Logical thinking Ability to Communicate Effectively Creativity Responsibility and Professionalism Work ethic Understanding Strategy

№ слайда 9 STUDENT QUALITIES OF A GOOD STUDENT: Academic skills Ability Self-Discipline Res
Описание слайда:

STUDENT QUALITIES OF A GOOD STUDENT: Academic skills Ability Self-Discipline Respect for others knowledge of information and technology He has to be social and hard-working. To edition: truthful, energetic and clean.

№ слайда 10 Presentation prepared Presentation prepared By Kolya Maksioma Form: 10-A
Описание слайда:

Presentation prepared Presentation prepared By Kolya Maksioma Form: 10-A

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