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Презентация на тему: Houses in England

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Презентация на тему: Houses in England

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№ слайда 1 Houses in England
Описание слайда:

Houses in England

№ слайда 2 Who owns houses in England? 2\3 of the people in England and the rest of Britain
Описание слайда:

Who owns houses in England? 2\3 of the people in England and the rest of Britain own or in the process of buying their own houses

№ слайда 3 What are houses like? Most houses in England are made of stone or brick from the
Описание слайда:

What are houses like? Most houses in England are made of stone or brick from the local area where the houses are built. The colours of the stones and bricks vary across the country

№ слайда 4 Types of houses in England A detached house A detached house is not joined to an
Описание слайда:

Types of houses in England A detached house A detached house is not joined to any other

№ слайда 5 Types of houses in England A semi-detached house A semi detached house is a  hou
Описание слайда:

Types of houses in England A semi-detached house A semi detached house is a  house which is joined to another house on one side.

№ слайда 6 Types of houses in England A terraced house Terrace house is a house which is pa
Описание слайда:

Types of houses in England A terraced house Terrace house is a house which is part of a line of houses. It is a  house which is joined to other houses on two sides

№ слайда 7 Types of houses in England A block of flats A flat is part of a bigger building
Описание слайда:

Types of houses in England A block of flats A flat is part of a bigger building where all the flats share a front door.

№ слайда 8 Types of houses in England A Bungalow A bungalow is a house which is only on one
Описание слайда:

Types of houses in England A Bungalow A bungalow is a house which is only on one floor, no stairs. It may be joined to another bungalow or might stand alone.

№ слайда 9 Types of houses in England The most popular type of home in England is semi-deta
Описание слайда:

Types of houses in England The most popular type of home in England is semi-detached (more than 27% of all homes), closely followed by detached then terraced

№ слайда 10 Can you identify the type of the house?
Описание слайда:

Can you identify the type of the house?

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